Upcoming ERA conferences and courses with special IPKat readers’ 25% discount

The famous Porta Nigra in Trier
Our friends at ERA are always very busy and are already planning several exciting conferences and courses in the fields of IP and media law in 2021. 

Like every year, they are also offering IPKat readers a 25% discount in the registration fee when they use the VIP code ERA2021IPKAT.

There are two ERA conferences and the traditional IP summer school taking place over the next few months in an online or hybrid format:
As mentioned, IPKat readers are entitled to a 25% discount. If you wish to learn more and register, please click on the links above and use the code ERA2021IPKAT.
Upcoming ERA conferences and courses with special IPKat readers’ 25% discount  Upcoming ERA conferences and courses with special IPKat readers’ 25% discount Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 Rating: 5

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