Never Too Late: if you missed the IPKat last week

This Kat is looking out for new IP stories
On the last day of February, it's time to look back at last week in the IPKat.


PermaKat Eleonora Rosati addressed five considerations for the transposition and application of Article 17 of the DSM Directive, as the often polarised debate continues ahead of the 7 June 2021 national transposition deadline.

Katfriend Federica Pezza (Hogan Lovells) published a guest post on the ongoing street art debate concerning copyright protection and whether artists can object to works' destruction.


GuestKat Rose Hughes commented on a recent EPO Board of Appeal decision considering the legal basis and effect of the EPO's 2020 COVID-19-related deadline extension, with concerns about legal certainty interacting with questions of how best to serve justice during a crisis situation.


PermaKat Neil Wilkof summarised the storied history and uncertain future of textual references, from footnotes to endnotes to even further evolution.

Never Too Late 303 [Week ending February 14]: BREAKING: The legality of Board of Appeal oral proceedings by video conference has been referred to the EBA Highlights from the new EPO guidelines for examination 2021: ViCo oral proceedings, description amendments and antibodies | Interview with Bill Patry, Senior Copyright Counsel at Google | [Guest post] Is it a sculpture or a monument? Copyright litigation reaches Russian Supreme Court

Never Too Late 302 [Week ending February 7]: Illumina v MGI Part 1: Mr Justice Birss on sufficiency, DNA sequencing and chocolate teapots | Guest book review: Dutfield and Suthersanen on Global Intellectual Property Law | Book Review: Forgotten Intellectual Property Lore | It looks, swims and quacks like a quack: so does that make it a nostrum or patent medicine? | No likelihood of confusion between EU collective trade mark ‘HALLOUMI’ and ‘BBQLOUMI’, says EU General Court

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Never Too Late: if you missed the IPKat last week Never Too Late: if you missed the IPKat last week Reviewed by Sophie Corke on Sunday, February 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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