Sunday Surprises

Image via Pexels

As the sun sets on a warm weekend in Europe, here are some news and events for the IPKat readers.

Art and the Metaverse: Unravelling the Legal Palette

The hybrid event hosted by Bird and Bird on the 6th June, will consider the relationship between art and the Metaverse, ranging from digital landscapes and artistic expression to the legal challenges and opportunities that arise ion the virtual domain. The IPKat readers, particularly with interests in the Arts Sector, have a special 20% discount on the In-Person Tickets with Promo-Code SH23MAL for IPKat Fans. Registration and more information here.

Copyright and AI - tales in the age of Chat GPT and its fellows

The free event concerning copyright and AI and the challenges linked to the rise of emerging technology will take place at City University of London on the 13th June 2023. More information on the programme and registration here.

Call for Papers

The Call for Papers is issued by GikII in relation to the conference that will be held in Utrecht on the 7th and 8th September. The papers should focus on a variety of topics including IP and Geek Culture, Privacy and Surveillance, E-Sports and Gaming Law, and many others. The deadline is 31st July 2023 and it is possible to find more details here.


Sunday Surprises Sunday Surprises Reviewed by Chiara Gallo on Sunday, June 04, 2023 Rating: 5

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