Late this summer, IPKat team blogger Jeremy -- who excoriated both the last batch of amendments to the UK IPO's website and the manner in which the changes were sprung on its most regular users -- spent a couple of highly enjoyable hours trying out the beta version of the latest, redesigned site which the UK IPO is just fine-tuning pending what (it hopes) will be a launch in the next few weeks.
Right: after the survey, don't forget to leave time for some social networking (photo from Dolittler)
Well, the Kat is pleased to announce that the UK IPO is taking a very serious interest in understanding users' needs. To this end, the Office is asking readers of this weblog to complete a card-sort survey, the results of which will help it to shape its IP professional pages. The card sort exercise should not take more than 10 minutes to complete (Merpel says you should be able to do it in 5) and the UK IPO will be most grateful for your help. The process may take a little longer if you want to add your personal comments when you complete the survey ...
For patents, click here
For trade marks, click: here
For designs, click here
Well, the Kat is pleased to announce that the UK IPO is taking a very serious interest in understanding users' needs. To this end, the Office is asking readers of this weblog to complete a card-sort survey, the results of which will help it to shape its IP professional pages. The card sort exercise should not take more than 10 minutes to complete (Merpel says you should be able to do it in 5) and the UK IPO will be most grateful for your help. The process may take a little longer if you want to add your personal comments when you complete the survey ...
For patents, click here
For trade marks, click: here
For designs, click here
UK IPO website -- your chance to have a say
Reviewed by Jeremy
Friday, November 07, 2008

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