This Kat was very intrigued to hear about Canada's first reverse class action copyright case brought by film production companies against a class of a unidentified and potentially unlimited number of Canadians for copyright infringement. She is
delighted that Kristianne C. Anor and Sanjit Rajayer are able to provide this detailed explanation and analysis of the case:
C. Anor and Sanjit Rajayer are third year law students at the University of
Ottawa and are interning at the Samuelson-Glushko Canadian Internet Policy and
Public Interest Clinic, who is intervening in this case.
and today (24 September 2019), the Federal
Court of Canada began hearing arguments for and against certification of
Canada’s first reverse class proceeding in a file-sharing copyright
infringement case. The plaintiffs, Voltage, LLC, Cobbler Nevada, LLC, PTG
Nevada, LLC, Clear Skies Nevada, LLC, Glacier Entertainment S.A.R.L. of
Luxembourg, Glacier Films 1, LLC, and Father & Daughters Nevada, LLC
(collectively, “Voltage”), are suing a proposed defendant class of a
potentially unlimited number of Canadians for copyright infringement. The
defendant class members are not only unlimited in number; they are
unidentifiable—so the representative defendant and intervener claim. The
representative defendant is Robert Salna, an owner of an apartment complex who
offers WiFi to his tenants. The intervener is the Samuelson-Glushko
Canadian Internet Policy and Public Interest Clinic (“CIPPIC”), a non-profit
legal clinic at the University of Ottawa. Because the defendants are
potentially unlimited in number and unidentifiable, Salna and CIPPIC claim, the
class proceedings should not be certified.
A number of public interest concerns
are at stake. If the reverse class proceeding is certified, it would burden
internet subscribers, including free public WiFi providers, with onerous
obligations to closely restrict, monitor, and control the access and use of
their internet connection. Access to the
internet, a basic right in many jurisdictions, would be severely jeopardized. From
a copyright policy perspective, the unprecedented enforcement mechanism Voltage
seeks to set up would be so rights-invasive, that it may be a proverbial cure
worse than the disease. It would encourage the monetization of copyright claims
and speculative settlements, which Canada has traditionally guarded against.
From an access to justice perspective, the proceedings could deny fair and
effective representation to thousands of internet subscribers. Below, we break
down the legal issues in the case, and the challenges it poses.
Voltage’s Copyright Infringement
High voltage encounter! Image: Jennifer C |
is a group of movie production companies that claim copyright in the movies
“The Cobbler”, “Pay the Ghost”, “Good Kill, “Fathers and Daughters”, and
“American Heist.” Voltage claims that a number of unidentified internet
subscribers infringed its copyright in these movies by either: (1) offering the
movies for download through BitTorrent software, (2) offering to rent, sell, or
distribute the movies, or (3) authorizing others to infringe voltage’s
copyright by providing internet access through their internet subscription.
These claims are framed under sections 27(1), 27(2), and
27(2.3) of Canada’s Copyright Act respectively. The first two claims are
against defendants Voltage calls “Direct Infringers”; the third against
“Authorizing Infringers”. Voltage is seeking to have its claim against “all
Direct Infringers and Authorizing Infringers residing in Canada” adjudicated in
a single proceeding by certifying the “Direct Infringers” and “Authorizing
Infringers” as a single class represented by Salna.
claim shows that the only way it identifies the potential defendants is by
their IP address. It claims to have identified Salna as an internet subscriber
whose IP address was associated with file-sharing activity involving its movies
through the BitTorrent protocol. Voltage does not specify whether it has
identified any other such persons.
International Copyright Troll Litigation
some may know Voltage by their films, courts and lawyers refer to them and
similar plaintiffs as “copyright trolls”. A copyright troll is a party that
aggressively enforces its copyright through litigation in an effort to monetize
assertions of infringement. There has been significant case law in the U.S.,
U.K., Australia, Denmark, and Singapore surrounding copyright trolls generally
and Voltage specifically. All of the copyright troll litigation share the same modus operandi: plaintiff owns a
copyright to a film; plaintiff sues numerous John Does identified in a single
action for using BitTorrent to copy the movie, all identified using the
forensic software companies “Guardaley” or “MaverickEye”; plaintiff subpoenas
the Internet Service Providers to obtain the identities of these Does; if
successful, plaintiff will send out demand letters to the Does; and, finally,
Does will send a settlement to the plaintiff. Where the Does do not respond,
the trolls obtain default judgments. Very rarely do these cases reach the
merits. Never has an international jurisdiction certified a class of
respondents. It appears that Voltage has been on a world tour of trolling
Courts for copyright infringement, with stints in the UK, Australia, Singapore,
and the US. Canada seems to have been its next stop. And Voltage has attempted
an ambitious campaign here.
Hurdles to Voltage’s Proposed Reverse Class Proceeding
merit certification of reverse class proceedings under section 334.16 of
Canada’s Federal Courts Rules,
Voltage must demonstrate that its claim
satisfies five criteria: (1) the pleadings
must disclose a reasonable cause of action; (b)
there must be an identifiable class of two or more persons; (c) the claims of the class members must raise common
questions of law or fact; (d) a class
proceeding must be the preferable procedure for the just and efficient
resolution of the common questions of law or fact; and (e) there must be a representative defendant who would
fairly and adequately represent the interests of the class.
How far can you stretch [your copyright] ? Image: Ravenblack7575 |
there are several potential hurdles to Voltage’s proposed reverse class
proceeding, perhaps the biggest issues it will likely face are that: 1)
Voltage’s class definition does not include a range of time for alleged
infringement; 2) Voltage lumps “Direct” and “Authorizing” infringers in the
same class; and 3) Voltage’s list of unidentified IP addresses is not
synonymous with a list of putative defendant class members. Salna and CIPPIC
have raised these issues before the Federal Court.
without specifying a time range for the infringement to have occurred (i.e.
between June 2013 to December 2013), Voltage’s proposed defendant class can
continue to grow with no end in sight, potentially reaching an unlimited number
of proposed defendants. A growing class of potential defendants has never been
certified in Canada, and the Supreme Court of Canada has refused to certify
such classes. Second, lumping both “Direct” and “Authorizing” infringers
together necessarily assigns the same degree of culpability for infringement.
Salna maintains he did not offer the works for upload and does not know who
did. How could he be held to the same degree of liability for copyright
infringement as actual infringers, when all he did was offer WiFi to the
tenants in his building? Third, while a public-facing IP address is unique, it
is not necessarily tied to any one device or individual. For example, all
computers using a coffee shop’s free internet may share an IP address. Likewise,
all members of a household, like roommates, or guests thereof using household
internet, will share an IP address. Similarly, all tenants using an apartment
building’s WiFi will share the same address. This poses challenges for the
identifiability of potential class members as well as the manageability of the
reverse class action is not the appropriate procedure for a BitTorrent
file-sharing case
A reverse class proceeding is a
proceeding in which one or more named plaintiffs claim against a class of
defendants represented by one or more members of the class. In theory, such
proceedings distribute the cost of litigation among members of the defendant
class, affording individual defendants a robust defence. By collectivizing
small claims, reverse class proceedings ostensibly incentivize defendants to
modify their behaviour, which might otherwise go unchecked.
However, these benefits would likely
be lost in Voltage’s proposed reverse class proceedings.
Voltage’s proceedings are unlikely
to save court resources for two reasons. First, because Voltage’s reverse class
proceedings targets internet subscribers, who may not be the alleged
infringers, the proceedings may be entirely fruitless. Any internet subscribers
who receive a notice of the proposed class can simply opt out of the
proceedings, as they are entitled to do under Canadian law. Second, Voltage’s claim against each
internet subscriber is heavily based on determinations of fact, such as the
subscriber’s extent of control over individual internet users, the scope of
authorization of the internet user’s activity, the subscriber’s knowledge of
the infringing activity, and the subscriber’s actions to stop the infringing
activity. Salna’s unique
circumstances exemplify this complexity. As an internet subscriber providing
Wifi services to tenants, there are an innumerable and myriad factual scenarios
in which an individual user could have his subscription. Some, including
malicious users and legitimate VPN users, may be unknown to Salna himself.
Section 27(2.4) of Canada’s Copyright Act
provides a non-exhaustive list of fact-based criteria that courts must
weigh to determine whether the provision of a service amounts to authorizing
copyright infringement. Applying these criteria to each defendant would require
a separate trial, and repetitive fact-finding inquiries, in each case. Since
such a proceeding would be unmanageable and would lose the main benefit of
class proceedings: judicial economy.
As CIPPIC and Salna argue in their
written submissions, it is unlikely that the costs of the proceeding would be
distributed among the defendants because there is no incentive for any of the
defendants to share the costs. Salna and his two tenants, the representative
defendants, are the only parties who will be involved in the defence until the
end of the litigation. Whatever the outcome of the litigation, the other defendants
are unlikely, even if they find out about the litigation, to want to pay for
it. Voltage has not proposed any mechanism by which the representative
defendants’ costs may be distributed as is typically the practice in class
proceedings in Canada.
seeks to set up a small-claims style litigation system that will “award” the alleged copyright infringers with
a “speeding ticket.” Not only is this
unlikely to act as a deterred to online copyright infringement, the Canadian
Parliament had already rejected such a system in favour of a less
rights-invasive “Notice-and-Notice regime.” In 2012, Canada formalized the
Notice-and-Notice system in its Copyright
Act, effectively rejecting New
Zealand’s approach of setting up a Tribunal to award “speeding tickets” to
online copyright infringers.
Stop right there! Image: jypsygen |
Canada, reverse class actions have been used very rarely. In the three reported
reverse class actions, courts have certified defendant classes which consisted
of a limited number of identified persons. The plaintiffs had a claim against
each defendant. The determination of the plaintiff’s claim depended on factual
and legal issues that were common to all defendants. There would have been no
need for separate trials. Voltage’s proposed class proceeding does not appear
to have any of these features.
this reverse class action would open the doors to a world of unfair,
unmanageable, inefficient, and abusive reverse class proceedings. The US, UK,
Australia, and Singapore have all refused reverse class certification.
Similarly, the Federal Court of Canada ought to deny class certification and
stop Voltage trolling Canadian Courts.
Outstanding review of a very important case. Excellent analysis of the weaknesses of Voltage's position.
ReplyDeleteVoltage went way too broad on the class. Dumb legal move on their part. It will be their undoing, on ether b or c of 334.16. Had they just gone with "direct infringers between Date X and Date y" they would have had a decent chance. I wouldn't agree with it, but legally it would have been a defensible position for a judge to certify that class.