Never Too Late: if you missed The IPKat last week

Trade Marks

Eleonora Rosati reported on a new CJEU referral concerning the role of intermediaries (in this case, online marketplaces) in trade mark infringement. The referral, initiated as part of a national infringement case in Belgium, asks the CJEU whether an online marketplace may be held directly liable for the sales of infringing goods by third parties. The case is to be closely followed, especially in light of the Digital Single Act proposal, which aims at regulating intermediary liability in the digital environment.

Kat friends Sara Cavagnero and Lucia Toffanin discussed that the impact counterfeiting industry is having on environment. An often overlooked issue, the disposal of counterfeit goods represents a societal and environmental harm, which should be taken into account by policymakers worldwide.


Kat friend and former Katonomist, Dr. Nicola Searle, looked at trade secrets from a policy-making perspective. When trade secrets (and the fact of third-party infringement) are often kept in secret by the company owing the trade secret, can policy-makers have enough evidence about trade secrets in the market place when taking policy decisions?

Book Review

Kat friend Dr. Sabine Jacques reviewed the “Copyright in the Music Industry: A Practical Guide to Exploiting and Enforcing Rights”, written by our Special Kat Hayleigh Bosher. The book, aimed at musicians and music creators, guides the reader through copyright-related questions of music creation. To be read with the accompanying Spotify playlist!
Never Too Late: if you missed The IPKat last week Never Too Late: if you missed The IPKat last week Reviewed by Anastasiia Kyrylenko on Sunday, May 16, 2021 Rating: 5

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