Fashion Law London’s online event on the fashion marketplace coming up on 22 October with IPKat readers’ discount

Readers may be aware that, together with Giulia Gasparin, I am also currently involved in Fashion Law London, an initiative that was born in 2019 to create opportunities of study and discussion, mostly from an IP and IT law perspective, for all those interested in this emerging field of practice and research.

Over the past couple of years or so, we have organized a number of events investigating a variety of legal and regulatory issues and developments that are relevant to the fashion sector.

On 22 October, Fashion Law London will be holding a new online event entirely devoted to to exploring the principal legal, regulatory, and policy issues affecting and shaping the fashion marketplace.

‘The Fashion Marketplace’ will review IP, consumer and competition law issues and analyze current and forthcoming policy and legislative initiatives.

Here's the programme of the day:

12:00 - 12:05: Welcome
Giulia Gasparin and Eleonora Rosati

12:05 - 12:20: The Fashion Marketplace: Regulatory and Legislative Ecosystem
Giulia Gasparin

12:20 - 13:05: The Fashion Marketplace: The IP Dimension
Heike Leichsenring, Senior Corporate Counsel, Amazon
Manon Rieger-Jansen, Partner, Bird & Bird
Eleonora Rosati (Chair)

13:05 - 13:15: Break

13:15 - 14:00: The Fashion Marketplace: Competition Issues and Consumer Protection
Gabriela Da Costa, Special Counsel, K&L Gates
Maximilian Dorndorf, Partner, Luther
Anselm Rodenhausen, Team Lead Antitrust and Distribution Law, Zalando
Giulia Gasparin (Chair)

14:00 - 14:10: Break

14:10 - 14:55: The Fashion Marketplace: The Changing Policy and Legal Landscape
Laura Blanco, EU Public Policy Manager, Etsy
Maryant Fernández Pérez, Senior Digital Policy Officer, BEUC - The European Consumer Organisation
Jaymeen Patel, Senior Manager - Head of Brussels Office, LVMH
Eleonora Rosati (Chair)

14:55 - 15:10: Discussion and conclusion


IPKat readers are entitled to a special discount in the registration fee. There is also a special discount available to full time students.

For further information and to register, just click here.

Fashion Law London’s online event on the fashion marketplace coming up on 22 October with IPKat readers’ discount Fashion Law London’s online event on the fashion marketplace coming up on 22 October with IPKat readers’ discount Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati on Wednesday, September 15, 2021 Rating: 5

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