Thank you to readers for voting in the IPKat book of the year awards, here are your 2021 nominees and winners!
Best Patent Law Book
The nominations were:
EPC.App and PCT.App (Self-editable EPC and PCT reference books)
Patent Subject Matter Eligibility: A Global Guide, (eds) Paul W Browning, Christopher C Johns and Sara A Leiman
The Genome Defense: Inside the Epic Legal Battle to Determine Who Owns Your DNA, by Jorge L. Contreras
Patent Law and Women: Tackling Gender Bias in Knowledge Governance, by Jessica Lai
B-Book: How to Reply to an Official Communication and Pass Paper B of the European Qualifying Examination, by Harrie Marsman
Licensing Standard Essential Patents, FRAND and the Internet of Things, by Igor Nikolic
And the winner of best Patent book 2021 is:
Best Trade Mark Law Book
The nominations were:
International Trademark Licensing, edited by Stojan Arnerstål
A User's Guide to Trade Marks and Passing Off, by Nicholas Caddick QC, Ben Longstaff, Jamie Muir Wood, and Charlotte Duly
Research Handbook on Trademark Law Reform (eds.) Graeme B. Dinwoodie and Mark D. Janis
The Transformation of EU Geographical Indications Law, by Andrea Zappalaglio
And the joint winners of best Trade Mark book 2021 are:
Best Copyright Law Book
The nominations were:
Copyright in the Music Industry, by Hayleigh Bosher
Is It Ours? Art, Copyright, and Public Interest, by Martha Buskirk
Copinger and Skone James on Copyright, by Nicholas Caddick, QC; Gwilym Harbottle; and Uma Suthersanen
The Present and Future of Music Law, (eds) Ann Harrison and Tony Rigg
Performing Copyright: Law, Theatre and Authorship, by Luke McDonagh
Implied Licences in Copyright Law, by Poorna Mysoor
Exceptions in EU Copyright Law: In Search of a Balance Between Flexibility and Legal Certainty, by Tito Rendas
Copyright in the Digital Single Market: Article-by-Article Commentary to the Provisions of Directive 2019/790, by Eleonora Rosati
The Cambridge Handbook of Copyright Limitations and Exceptions, by Shyamkrishna Balganesh and Wee Loon Ng-Lo
EU Copyright Law: A Commentary, (eds) Irini Stamatoudi and Paul Torremans
And the winner of best Copyright book 2021 is:
Best Design Law Book
The nominations were:
Research Handbook on Design law, (eds) by Henning Hartwig
Navigating Design Law, by David Musker
And the winner of best Design book 2021 is:
Best IP Law Book
The nominations were:
Handbook of Intellectual Property Research: Lenses, Methods, and Perspectives, (eds) Irene Calboli and Lilla' Montagnani
A User's Guide to Intellectual Property in Life Sciences, by Paul England and Simon Cohen
The Intellectual Property of Nations: Sociological and Historical Perspectives on a Modern Legal Institution, by Laura R. Ford
Intellectual Property Enterprise Court: Practice & Procedure (3rd edition), by Angela Fox
The Protection of Intellectual Property Rights Under International Investment Law, by Simon Klopschinski, Christopher Gibson, and Henning Grosse Ruse-Khan
Intellectual Property Protection for AI-generated Creations: Europe, United States, Australia and Japan, by Ana Ramalho
Intellectual Property Law and Access to Medicines, TRIPS Agreement, Health, and Pharmaceuticals, (eds) Srividhya Ragavan, Amaka Vanni
And the winners of best IP book 2021 are:

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