Sunday Surprises

Spring seems to be approaching and many IP events and opportunities are about to greet the new season. The IPKat has compiled some of them for your weekly Sunday evening overview.


ECTA ®etreat | 7 April 2022 | Milan, IT
The ECTA ®etreat entitled "The never-ending challenge of shape protection: design, trade mark and copyright" will be held in Milan on April 7, 2022! The conference will be a full-day event with a lunch break. For more information on the full panel, speakers and to register for the event, click here.

UCL | Patents in Telecom and the Internet of Things | 26-27 May 2022 | London, UK
The UCL's Institute for Brand & Innovation Law has announced its 6th conference entitled "Patents in Telecom and the Internet of Things"  - on May 26-27, 2022 in London. The conference is a unique gathering of industry, judiciary and regulators, offering attendees unique insights into the latest market developments around the world, as well as networking opportunities. The full programme, list of panellists and registration can be found here. Registration and tickets are available here.


CIPA | Virtual introductory Patent Paralegal Course (IPPC) | September-November 2022
The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys (CIPA) has announced a series of so-called "Virtual introductory Patent Paralegal course (IPPC)" for the rest of this year and is looking for volunteer facilitators to support participants during the live online sessions. The tutor will lead the session and set assignments for candidates to complete in numerous breakout rooms. Facilitators will be expected to assist in the breakout rooms during each session. Both tutors and facilitators will receive training and will be supported by CIPA and course instructors. Position requirements and application rules can be found here. For more information about the IPPC, click here.


UCL | Intellectual Property agreements: law and practice | March-May 2022
The UCL's Institute of Brand and Innovation Law has announced the course "Intellectual property agreements: law and practice" with a new series of 12 sessions beginning March 21 and ending May 18, 2022. This course will explore a range of legal and practical issues relevant to different types of intellectual property agreements in 12 one-hour lunchtime sessions. The course will highlight key issues in the detailed wording of intellectual property agreements in areas such as grant clauses and definitions, confidentiality and publications, payments, performance obligations, warranties and liability, duration and termination, law and jurisdiction. For more information and registration, click here.

IPKat is in the midst of creating a Repository of IP titles written other than in English. Further details can be found in the initial Kat Call, attached for the convenience of Kat readers. Everyone is encouraged to submit their recommendations in accordance with the form at the end of the Kat Call. IPKat thanks you in advance for your cooperation.

Sunday Surprises Sunday Surprises Reviewed by Giorgio Luceri on Sunday, March 20, 2022 Rating: 5

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