Sunday Surprises

Meow! December is just around the corner - and with it a few reminders, opportunities, and events for you to check out!

"African Caracal" by jurvetson is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

21 November 2022 | IFIM-Stockholm University | "Overview and discussion of some of the most notable decisions of the EUIPO Boards of Appeal concerning distinctiveness and likelihood of confusion" (online)

Tomorrow, 21 November 2022, the Institute of Intellectual Property and Market Law (IFIM) at Stockholm University has the honour and pleasure to once again welcome Mr Gordon Humphreys, Chairman of the First Board of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), for an overview and discussion of some of the most notable decisions of the EUIPO Boards of Appeal in relation to distinctiveness and likelihood of confusion. This event is a must for all those working in the field of trade marks - practitioners, students, and researchers. Registered participants will receive the conditions of participation (zoom link) by email the day before the event. Registration is available here.

24-25 November 2022 | ERA | "Annual Conference on European Copyright Law 2022" (Tier, Germany and online)

On 24 and 25 November 2022, ERA will host its hybrid annual conference that will update intellectual property lawyers on ongoing EU initiatives and recent ECJ case law in the field of copyright. The conference will be held locally in Tier - Germany and can be registered online here. IPKat readers who do not already benefit from one of ERA 's standard discounts will receive a 25% discount on the registration fee by quoting ERA2022IPKAT at checkout.


2 December 2022 | TURUN YLIOPISTO – “The DSM Directive and Beyond: Implementation, Effects and Broader Related Issues” (Turku, Finland and online)

On 2 December 2022, TURUN YLIOPISTO is organising a seminar entitled "The DSM Directive and Beyond: Implementation, Effects and Broader Related Issues". The event will take place in Turku (Finland) and online and will focus on the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive (DSM Directive) 2019/790, which has implications not only for copyright enforcement online, but also for the rights of users of online distribution platforms, text and data mining, algorithmic filtering of online expression, and the activities of collective rights management organisations (CMOs). Participants can also participate online via Zoom. A link to this effect will be sent to all participants shortly before the event. Full programme and registration for the event are available here.

12 December 2022 | SAA – “Extended Collective Licensing: How Can it help audiovisual authors?” (online)

SAA is organising an online seminar, moderated by our PermaKat Prof. Eleonora Rosati, on the EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, which, through a framework provision (Art. 12), has increased the interest of both Member States and right holders in collective licencing mechanisms with extended effect. The seminar will explore the possible use of these mechanisms to licence audiovisual works and remunerate their authors. Experts from the Nordic countries (Jukka Liedes and Peter Schønning) will discuss with interested parties (Maria-Daphne Papadopoulou) and the European Commission (Emmanuelle du Chalard) will also present its views. The seminar will be moderated by Dr Eleonora Rosati, Professor of Intellectual Property Law at Stockholm University. The full programme and registration for the event can be found here.

15 December 2022 | CEIPI – “Intellectual Property and Pop Culture” (Paris, France and online)

On 15 December 2022, CEIPI and La Ligue des Auteurs Pros, in collaboration with Quatrebarbes, SCAN Avocats, Artlex, GUIU IP, LexisNexis, LexisNexis France and ARDAN, will organise the fourth edition of the conference "Intellectual Property and Pop Culture", which will discuss video games, NFT, comics and artificial intelligence. The event will take place in Paris at the Palais Bourbon (Salle Colbert). For more information and to register, click here.


CNRS | Fully funded Early Career Researcher Position in Paris on Open Data Licensing (DL to apply: 27 November 2022)

The CNRS has advertised a position for a first-level researcher (R1) in Paris on Open Data Licencing. This fully funded post for early career researchers is part of the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska Curie ITN project entitled "ODECO: Towards a Sustainable Open Data ECOsystem" (see The candidate will conduct research, write scientific articles, present the research results at conferences and in journals, and contribute to the project's outputs together with the ODECO project team. The offer description and application can be found here.

ALAI – “European Author’s Right Award” – Call for papers (DL to submit: 30 November 2022)

ALAI have established an annual award for students with the support of GESAC. The annual prize is awarded to the author of the best essay on the subject of authors' rights. The essay should have a European dimension and contain elements related to the collective management of authors' rights. The deadline for submissions is 30 November 2022. More information and applications can be found here.


GOV.UK - Consultations on Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property concluded

On 3 November 2022, the UK government published a call for views, seeking guidance and opinions on a range of options for how AI should be treated in the patent and copyright systems. The call for views focused in particular on three areas: (i) copyright protection for computer-generated works (CGWs) without a human author, (ii) licencing or exceptions to copyright for text and data mining (TDM), which is often relevant in AI use and development, and (iii) patent protection for AI-developed inventions. The response and outcome of the process can be found here.

GOV.UK - UK-WIPO's Lex Judgments Database Membership

The UK has joined WIPO's Lex Judgments database, making the most important intellectual property judgments of UK courts available to a global audience. Membership enables the UK to showcase the quality of its courts' intellectual property judgments worldwide by making judgments that set a precedent or provide a persuasive interpretation of intellectual property law available free of charge worldwide. Initially, the 100 most notable UK IP cases will be included and the database will be updated regularly. A press release with further information can be found here. The WIPO Lex Judgments database can be accessed here.
Sunday Surprises Sunday Surprises Reviewed by Giorgio Luceri on Sunday, November 20, 2022 Rating: 5

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