The case
In September 2022, Ms. Kristina Kashtanova
applied and obtained the copyright registration for the work “Zarya of the
Dawn”. The work is a “comic book”.
The determination of the USCO
The USCO examined the different elements of the
work: individual images generated through AI, text and selection and
arrangement of images and text.
With regard to individual images, the USCO
examined in depth how Midjourney works, underling that users operate through “prompts”
(text commands) which include the image and text description of what Midjourney
should generate. After that, the technology generated four images in response.
According to the USCO, Midjourney
does not interpret prompts as specific instructions to create a particular
expressive result, but simply converts words and phrases into smaller tokens
that are used for the training of data and to generate an image. The main
finding of the Office is that the process is not controlled by the user because
it is not possible to predict what Midjourney will create ahead of time. This
process is not the same as that of a “human” artist, writer, or
Based on this, the USCO concluded that the
images generated by Midjourney contained within the work are not original works
of authorship protected by copyright, since Midjourney generates images in an
unpredictable way. The fact that Midjourney specific output cannot be predicted
by users makes Midjourney different for copyright purposes than other tools
used by artists (e.g. editing tools, assistive tools) which allows the choice
of specific changes and includes specific steps to control the final image “such
that it amounts to the artist’s own original conception” (on digital art
and copyright protection see the recent Italian Supreme Court decision commented
by IPKat). Also, time and efforts by the
applicant in working with Midjourney do not imply authorship under copyright.
In sum, the USCO denied the registration for
the images generated through the AI system concluding that “text prompts”
were insufficient to qualify as "human authorship".
Regarding the text and to the selection and arrangement of images and text, the USCO agreed that they are protectable under copyright. The text was written by the applicant without the help of any other source tool and therefore is to be considered a product of human authorship. The selection and arrangement of the images and text that were conducted by the applicant contain sufficient creativity and are protectable as a compilation under copyright.
The original registration was therefore
cancelled and replaced with a new registration covering the text and the
selection and arrangement of images and text, which resulted as being entirely
done by the “human” applicant.
Some preliminary thoughts
This decision applies some key copyright principles to AI-generated works. The USCO focuses on the distinction between the conceiving of an idea of an artwork and its fixation into a tangible medium of expression and the requisite of originality as independent creation with a modicum of creativity. The USCO emphasizes that authorship has to be limited to the creations of “human authors”, according to some US case-law dating back to 1884 (Supreme Court Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co. v. Sarony). Therefore, any activity, even if original, carried out by the AI cannot be qualified as authorship under copyright, it not being “human”. This is in line with what is stated in the Compendium of Practices and with the previous decision of the USCO dated 14 February 2022 commented by IPKat).
From an European perspective, the Court of
Justice of the European Union has declared on several occasions that copyright
only applies to original works and that originality must reflect the “author’s
own intellectual creation” (see case C-5/08 Infopaq International A/S v
Danske Dagbaldes Forening). This is usually understood as meaning that a human author is necessary
for a work to enjoy copyright protection.
Picture of the
cat courtesy of Barbara Bonora

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