15ème édition Journée luxembourgeoise de la propriété intellectuelle
On April 29, the Luxembourg Intellectual Property Institute will host the 15th Luxembourg Intellectual Property Day, which features a conference and trade show. The event will take place at the Chamber of Trades and Commerce, and will be broadcast online too. For more information, click here.Retromark: the conference
A reminder that ‘Retromark: the conference’ takes place on May 2 at the Moorgate offices of Simmons & Simmons from 2pm. His Honour Judge Hacon will deliver the keynote speech. If you haven’t signed up already you may find a free space or two via Eventbrite here. If you have a ticket but can no longer attend please cancel your booking to release your place to others. See you there!CeBIL Annual Symposium 2023 – Intellectual Property & Biologics: Policy Challenges and Responses
On May 12, the University of Cambridge & University of Copenhagen will host a symposium in Cambridge on biologics and the complex IP strategies of patents and trade secrets that surround them. For more information, click here.Planting seeds for the future of intellectual property law – A conference in honour of Margaret Llewelyn
On June 8-9, the Sheffield Institute for Corporate and Commercial Law will host this academic conference and dinner exploring excellent IP scholarship in honour of Professor Margaret Llewelyn. For more information, click here.Teaching IP Law Conference 2023
On June 21, the UCL Institute of Brand and Innovation Law will host this conference to mark the publication of Teaching Intellectual Property Law: Strategy and Management (2023, Edward Elgar). For more information, click here.Workshop in Empirical Methods in Intellectual Property
On July 25-26, the Duke University School of Law will host a workshop intended to give scholars engaging in empirical studies of IP a chance to receive feedback on their work at an early stage in their research. For more information, click here.
Wednesday Whimsies
Reviewed by Benjamin Goh
Wednesday, April 19, 2023

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