Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week!

Here’s the weekly roundup of all the news and stories you might have missed from the IPKat.

Trade marks 
Image via Pexels

Marcel Pemsel discussed the challenges linked to the registration of 3D trademark in the European Union, especially in relation to the recent application made by Wajos and the recent EUIPO Judgement in case T-10/22.

Katfriend Theodora Goula considered EU trade mark protection system in the case of second-hand fashion by analysing the application of exhaustion rights and the impact of de-branding and repackaging second-hand goods. Lastly, the post considers counterfeit second-hand goods. 


Chijioke Okorie reported on the recent South African High Court ruling, namely Mdlestshe and Another v YouTube Channel and Another, on the issue of copyright infringement on digital streaming platforms. 


Rose Hughes analysed the risks and the controversy over amending the description of a patent claim in accordance with the 2021 EPO Guidelines for Examination. In particular, the post considers the most recent case related to the application for a modified antibody constant region. 

Katfriend Vincente Zafrilla discussed the recent decision of the High Court of Delhi in relation to whether the CCI can intervene to define reasonable patents royalties on the basis of the Indian Competition Act.
Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week! Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week! Reviewed by Chiara Gallo on Monday, July 31, 2023 Rating: 5

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