As September is coming to an end, here are the latest events and opportunities for IPKat readers:
ALAI European Author’s Right Award
The 6th edition of the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award, supported by GESAC, is now accepting nominations for the 2023 edition. The annual award is given to the writer of the best essay relating to authors’ right. The essay should have a European dimension and include elements related to the collective management of authors’ right.
Candidates must send a one-page summary of the essay before 15 November 2023. The short-listed candidates will have to send their essays before 15 February 2024. Conditions and application form available here.
4th edition of the IP Mediation Conference
The IP Mediation Conference will take place on 19 and 20 October at the EUIPO’s premises in Alicante and online. The conference is hosted by the The Boards of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual property Office (EUIPO), in cooperation with the EUIPO’s Academy. The conference will be in English, simultaneous interpreting into French, German, Italian and Spanish will be provided. Registration closes on 12 October 2023.
Part-Time PhD position at the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies
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Prof. Dr. Alexander J. Wurzer is advertising a part-time PhD project at the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies – CEIPI IP Business Academy in collaboration with I3PM International Institute for Intellectual Property Management. The position is ideal for a IP professional who is willing to examine the quality in operational IP management and in IP teaching for the European Patent Office, the WIPO and the European IP Helpdesk. It is possible to find more details here.
RSC Law Group Intellectual Property Seminar 2023
The RSC Law Group is hosting its annual IP seminar on the 8 November at Burlington House in London. A wide range of speakers involved in the IP field will discuss the recent high-profile developments in the world of Intellectual Property. A reception will follow. The deadline to register is on the 31 October 2023 and it is possible to find more information here.
Inaugural Lecture of the G-IPTech Lectureship Series at QUB School of Law
The Inaugural Lecture of the G-IPTech Lectureship Series will take place in-person at the G-IPTech Centre at Queen’s University Belfast School of Law on the 10 October and it will feature Prof. Martin Senftleben, Director of the Institute for Information Law (IviR) at the University of Amsterdam. The lecture will consider the topic of Generative AI and Author Remuneration. It is possible to register and find more details here.
CFWebinars on Case Law Update 2023
Cohausz & Florack is organising a series of three webinars on Enablement and Plausibility in the US and Europe and on the EPO Case Law Update. They will be held on the 26 October, the 16 November and 14 December. All webinars are independent of each other in terms of content and free of charge. It is possible to learn more and register here.
Copyright and AI News
The Authors Guild and several prominent writers, including Jodi Picoult and George R.R. Martin, have filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against OpenAI for using copyright-protected material to train its artificial intelligence systems. The filing called the ChatGPT program a “massive commercial enterprise” that is reliant upon “systematic theft on a mass scale.”
This post was prepared jointly by Chiara Gallo & Jocelyn Bosse.
Saturday Sundries
Reviewed by Chiara Gallo
Saturday, September 30, 2023

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