Below, you’ll find a weekly summary of what happened on the IPKat recently, while competent authorities were busy handing down interesting decisions in IP-related cases.
Trade marks
Kevin Bercimuelle-Chamot reviewed a recent decision of the EUIPO’s First Board of Appeal concerning an opposition to the registration as an EU word mark of “miababy”, grounded on its alleged confusing similarity with the earlier trade mark "ia BABY interapothek”.
Katfriend Louise Rooms commented on a recent decision of the EUIPO’s Examination Division concerning position marks, where the Office refused a trade mark application for a specific product configuration consisting of a metallic golden sole.
Marcel Pemsel undertook the challenging task of analysing the contradictions arising in protecting olfactory trademarks, following a recent decision of the German Patent Court (case 29 W (pat) 515/21).
Rose Hughes analysed the recent EPO’s Board of Appeal decision in T 0273/22 (Chimeric antibodies/REGENERON).
Event summary
Katfriend Silvia Baumgart reported on the event: “AI & Creativity: Protecting Creators in the Age of AI Panel” which took place on Friday, 3 November 2023 in London.
Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week!
Reviewed by Aleksandra Czubek
Thursday, November 23, 2023

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