The IPKat proudly presents the Kat news of the past week.
WIPO Classification Helpdesk
Having trouble with correctly classifying your goods and services in your trade mark application? Despair not! Contact WIPO’s new Classification Helpdesk instead. WIPO promises a rapid response, expert guidance and comprehensive support to get your trade mark application off to a good start.
15 October 2024: SPC Law and Practice 2024
The SPC blog will hold a seminar in London at CMS’ office. The presenters include patent office examiners from the UK, Ireland, Netherlands and France. You will get updated on the latest developments regarding SPCs. The seminar is free of charge. Please see the agenda here and sign up here.
24 October 2024: Webinar - IP and Startups: What, Why, How
If you are a Startup and would like to get more information about IP, 4IP Council’s webinar might just be what you are looking for. The webinar is designed to help SMEs and startups understand the strategic importance of intellectual property. You can register for an hour full of information here.
29 October 2024: Design Rights: Is this their time to shine?
RPC will be hosting a panel discussion on the importance of design rights in London. The speakers are His Honour Judge Hacon (Presiding Judge of the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court), Chris Mills (Director of Rights Policy and Enforcement at the IPO) and our very own Dr Hayleigh Bosher (Reader in Intellectual Property Law at Brunel University London). You can register here.
Karolinska Institute (Sweden) is seeking to hire a Postdoctoral Researcher in intellectual property rights and open science. The objective is to make science more transparent and useful by analysing how intellectual property rights can support open science. The position is for two years and is fully funded. For further information and to apply, click here.
The picture is by Roman Odintsov and used under the licensing terms of
Sunday Surprises
Reviewed by Marcel Pemsel
Sunday, September 22, 2024

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