Right: Wiki (artwork found on J. Retmeijer's Captain's Blog)
Following the Room 6 meeting, the Intellectual Property Institute, London, indicated that it would strongly encourage the submission of a proposal for initial funding - enough to see the IP wiki designed for user-friendliness and stocked with enough current IP legal materials to give it the critical mass of information that would make it viable. IPKat team member Jeremy has had a go at putting this submission together. BUT, before the submission is made, it only seems right and proper to give everyone who is interested the chance to comment on it. If possible, can you please make your amendments, comments and suggestions by Friday 31 August so that the proposal can be sent to the Institute during the first week of September.
Martin Farley has kindly uploaded the draft proposal on to his IPdailyupdate wiki so that anyone who is interested in it can read it, comment on it (there's a 'comments field for that very purpose) and even have a go at editing it. If you'd like to have a go, you can visit the proposal online here. If you'd rather receive a version as a Word document, or if you'd like to add your name to the email circular list of people interested in being kept informed about the progress of this project, email the IPKat here.

Left: kats can help save money, by going the wiki route (moneybank cats here)
The IPKat is delighted that this august body is interested, and won't even make any suggestive comments about how nice it would be if some of OHIM's treasure trove of seemingly unspendable money (believed to be more than 200 million euro) could be steered towards kick-starting this exciting project.
The IP wiki and the Room 6 manifesto - latest news
Reviewed by Jeremy
Thursday, August 02, 2007

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