is a new development in the judicial saga featuring the founder of Megaupload,
Kim Dotcom, against the US government. New Zealand Katfriend Ken Moon (AJ Park) explains
it for Kat readers.

extradition saga commenced early 2012 at the request of a US Federal Prosecutor
with a police raid conducted on Kim Dotcom’s Auckland home. There have been
many interlocutory proceedings, but the extradition proceeding proper has now
been through three courts on appeals by Dotcom: the District Court, the High
Court and now the Court of Appeal.

Copyright Act 1994 (NZ) was amended in 2008 to introduce in Section 16 the
right of ‘communicating a work to the public’, the infringement of which is
subject to civil remedies. No equivalent amendment was made to Section 131 of
the same Act, which lists possible criminal offences for copyright infringement.
contrasts with the 2003 amendment of copyright law in the UK for example, where the introduction of
the communication to the public under the Copyright, Designs
and Patent Act 1988 was paired with an equivalent criminal offence
(see s. 20 and s. 107(2A)).
131 of the Copyright Act 1994 (NZ), standing unchanged after the 2008
amendments of the act, reads:
‘Every person commits an offence … who … (d) in the
course of business, (iii) distributes … an object that is, and the person knows
is, an infringing copy of a copyright work.’
![]() |
Kim Dotcom |
to the High Court below, the Court of Appeal reasoned that the word ‘object’
was not limited to physical tangible copies, but also extended to digital files.
Consequently, the infringing digital copies of movies stored on Megaupload’s
websites are ‘objects’ in the meaning of Section 131 of the 1994 Copyright Act
Court oddly took support for their interpretation from the fact that the 1994 Copyright
Act had substituted the word ‘object’ wherever the word ‘article’ had been used
in previous legislation (1962 Act). The Court also noted the NZ Supreme Court
decision in R v Dixon [2015] NZSC 147
[see here],
holding that digital CCTV footage was both a ‘document’ and ‘property’ under
the NZ Crimes Act 1961.
copyright practitioners in New Zealand, including this one, had interpreted
‘object’ in s.131 (and elsewhere) in line with the Oxford English Dictionary meaning
– ‘a material thing that can be seen and
touched’. However, the new meaning given to it by the Court of Appeal in
their decision will now ‘digitise’ a number of provisions in the 1994 Act which
employ the word ‘object’. By interpreting the text in this way, the Court of
Appeal may have updated the law for the government which is currently reviewing the NZ Copyright Act, reducing the extent of the
reform required.”
New Zealand Court of Appeal rules on the extradition of Kim Dotcom (Megaupload)
Reviewed by Mathilde Pavis
Thursday, July 19, 2018

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