The seven discussion papers published in this issue are:
The IPKat has managed to procure a few spare copies, which he's happy to send out to the first few people who write in to request them. Please email him here and he'll let you know if you're one of the lucky few -- but remember, he can only send it if you've got a terrestrial address and a letter box ...* "Innovation goes public", by Bruce Perens, a powerful speaker, a naturally creative thinker and a man who is so synonymous with the open source movement that he has all but trade marked it;
* "Origins and development of open source and GPL licensing" by Heather Meeker, a GT attorney and IP licensing academic who has a background in computer programming;
* "Key intellectual property issues in acquisitions involving open source software" by Jim Markwith -- open source software licensing counsel at Microsoft, who previously worked with Adobe. Jim also lectures at the Santa Clara University;
* "M&A, joint ventures and IPOs" by Nigel Swycher (Olswang's Open Source Unit), who masterminded the Summit;* "Source code assessment in due diligence" by Kat McCabe (General Counsel, Black Duck Software: the IPKat is well-disposed to everyone called Kat, and this Kat has a great deal of practical and legal insight to commend her);
* "Commercial licensing models" by Jan Wildeboer (Solution Architect at Red Hat and a well known enemy of software patents);
"Open source in the mobile world" by David Wood (Executive Vice-President of Research, Symbian, and an author and commentator on software issues).

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