Right: the panellists, busily practising the subtle art of living together in the full glare of public scrutiny, which is also the fate of trade mark owners
Cynthia Rowden began by posing some typical "what do you do?" scenarios that bring marks in conflict with one another. Some arise from administrative proceedings, some from the use of the same mark by different businesses in different jurisdictions, others from convergence of business activities. The subject was then tossed between the panellists, who raised the sort of issues that trade mark attorneys prefer to avoid, such as whether a coexistence agreement or consent is seen as a no-compete deal that has antitrust implications. Cultural preferences are also important: in the US there is much less of a culture of consents than there is in Japan, or even in the European Union.

Other issues bandied around included dispute resolution provisions, the proper subject-matter for coexistence agreements (should it embrace such issue as the use of a trade mark in parody, for instance?) and the risks of binding arbitrations in juridictions other than China and Russia. David also raised the remarkable facts of the Diddy dispute (discussed here on the IPKat), which followed a coexistence agreement that didn't actually involve any registered trade marks at all.
Says the IPKat:
* thinking of three disputes over co-existence: WWF/WWF, Apple Computers/Apple Corp and Prudential/Prudential, in each of these instances
litigation broke out after an agreement was made which the European party believed to be a coexistence agreement but the US party did not.
* options for resolving disputes range from out-and-out litigation at one extreme and acquiescence at the other, with the negotiation of coexistence agreements somewhere in the middle. It cannot be emphasised sufficiently that the decision as to which of these options a business should go for is a business decision, not a legal one -- though it must obviously be guided by legal considerations. Getting the right balance is a crucial element of any successful client-attorney relationship;* little attention and resources are devoted to post-agreement policing of co-existence agreements, particularly following demergers. Complacency should not be allowed to be the determinant factor in deciding whether to keep an eye on post-agreement developments. The panellists emphasised that this was as much a matter of good record-keeping, since details of a coexistence agreement that cannot be found are unlikely to be enforced.

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