The seminar is aiming to improve participants' understanding of the procedures of the European Patent Office (EPO) Technical Boards of Appeal, including the requirements of evidence and advocacy for attorneys representing clients in such proceedings.
The moot will be dealing with subject matter derived from a previous year's European Qualifying Examination (EQE) paper.
Delegates will be provided with a set of documents comprising an outline of the case, a Communication from the Board, the parties’ written replies to the communication and an outline of the afternoon’s proceedings.
The case, prepared by Chris Mercer, Carpmael & Ransford, should prove to be both informative and entertaining, with the sterling cast of Gillian Davies, Hogarth Chambers, as Chairman (Gillian is well known as a former Chairman of a Technical Board of Appeal and a member of the Enlarged Board of Appeal) and Graham Ashley, EPO Boards of Appeal. Representatives Richard Davis (Hogarth Chambers) and Julian Potter (Beresfords) promise an exciting afternoon. And of course, the cherry of 3 hours CPD should be an additional enticement.

The seminar costs £110 + VAT for members, and £165 + VAT for non-members. If you would like to book places, please email Ivana Young, Events Administrator, The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys for a form (or download the booking form). Ivana can also be contacted at CIPA, 95 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1DT or on telephone, 020 7440 9365.
Stop Press: Is Merpel's secret identity a dog ... disguised as a sheep?
CIPA - An Appealing Moot
Reviewed by Johanna Gibson
Monday, June 09, 2008

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