Check out the IPKat's side bar for news of forthcoming events. You wouldn't want to miss them, would you? Would you ...?"Pussykat, pussykat, where have you been?"-- "I've been down to London to visit the Queen"."Pussykat, pussykat, what did you see?"-- "A conference full of the latest IP".

There are two IPKat competitions on the go at the moment. Both have complimentary admission to conferences as their highly valuable prizes. The first is Write-a-Menu for the CIPA Gala Dinner, the second asks for nominations for next year's most desirable fashion accessory for the IP practitioner. Don't forget to enter!
Most Kats are, by nature, averse to change. Imagine, therefore, the consternation in KatLand when the IPKat and his friends discovered, to their shock and horror, that the UK Intellectual Property Office's excellent and well-reputed Enquiry Unit is now renamed the Information Centre and you can find out all about it here. If you were used to emailing the Unit/Centre at its old address, don't: it now has a new one -- information@ipo.gov.uk. There's also a stylish and memorable new phone number: the IPO has boldly leapt from a stuffy old-fashioned 0845 prefix to a brand new 0300 300 2000 [numbers beginning 0300 are charged at the caller's standard national rate]. Another seven 'Articles in Search of an Author' are listed here on the jiplp weblog. If you think you'd like to write on one of these topics, or have a better idea, just follow the guidance on the web page. Incidentally, IPKat team blogger Jeremy (who edits JIPLP), has been receiving some helpful links and comments from readers who are too busy to write, but who are happy to share their ideas and their own research -- and sometimes that of their colleagues -- with anyone who does have the time. Many thanks!
Of Madrid and Madras. There's good news from India, if you are a trade mark enthusiast, or merely a brand owner or practitioner: that world's biggest democracy has now legislated for accession to the Madrid Protocol, which will make it easier for Indians to file internationally for trade mark protection -- and a great deal easier for non-Indians to get registration in India. The Madrid System currently has 56 Madrid Agreement members and 82 Madrid Protocol members: this will be 83 when India does all the formal notification stuff.
Friday fantasies
Reviewed by Jeremy
Friday, August 13, 2010

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