The IPKat has already mentioned this item, but time is running out for anyone who is interested so he is mentioning it again. The Law Society for England and Wales is seeking to fill vacancies on a number of its committees. These include the Intellectual Property Working Party and the Technology and Law Reference Group.
The Intellectual Property Working Party
Further details are available here.
Says the IPKat: the IP community depends for its success on the selfless participation on its behalf by people who have lots of other things to do but who are prepared to make a commitment to a bit of self-sacrifice for the benefit of us all. If ever there was a time for taking your share of responsibility for the proper functioning of the IP system at home and abroad, this is that time. Volunteer now!
Says Merpel, if you have all the skills listed above, you are probably over-qualified for work as a lawyer and should be running the world -- if you are not already doing so.
The Intellectual Property Working Party
"... keeps under review and promotes improvements in intellectual property law, practice and procedure. The work of the Working Party is often highly technical and spans domestic, European and international law, covering all aspects of intellectual property law including copyright, designs, trade marks and patents. Members engage in detailed discussions of policy, legislative developments and intelligence outside a client-specific focus, and respond to government proposals and consultations. The Working Party is looking in particular for members who work in Industry or In house and/or who have expertise in intellectual property in the TMT, consumer products or energy sectors".The role of the Technology and Law Reference Group is
"to assist with the development of Law Society policy on information technology and communications law, including on-line legal services, social media, IT security, data protection, e-commerce, e-conveyancing, and related consultations and legislative developments in the UK and EU".What is required?
"Capacity to make a sustained commitment and contribution to the work of the Society in this area, both in responding to requests for assistance and bringing forward ideas for consideration and discussion
* Awareness of the key issues affecting the legal profession
* Experience in the practice pertaining to the Committee applied for
* Ability to be objective and discuss issues constructively
* Ability to look ahead and identify important emerging issues in good time to allow the Committee to discuss proactively
* Diagnostic skills to find solutions to problems
* Ability to consider and advise on the development of policy and best practice
* Excellent communication skills, written and spoken
* Ability to commit and participate regularly as a member of the Committee "team"
If you are thinking of applying, the deadline for return of applications is 0900 on Friday 16 November. Interviews will be held in the week commencing Monday 10 December.* Ability to work to support the Committee work plan sometimes to tight deadlines"
Further details are available here.
Says the IPKat: the IP community depends for its success on the selfless participation on its behalf by people who have lots of other things to do but who are prepared to make a commitment to a bit of self-sacrifice for the benefit of us all. If ever there was a time for taking your share of responsibility for the proper functioning of the IP system at home and abroad, this is that time. Volunteer now!
Says Merpel, if you have all the skills listed above, you are probably over-qualified for work as a lawyer and should be running the world -- if you are not already doing so.
Law Society IP Working Parties: time to participate
Reviewed by Jeremy
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

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