Last year the Court of
Justice of the European Union (CJEU) remitted to the General Court Joined Cases C‑337/12 P to C‑340/12 P Pi-Design AG, Bodum France SAS and Bodum Logistics A/S v OHIM, Yoshida Metal Industry Co. Ltd, in order to
revisit the trade mark dispute concerning a Community trade mark (CTM) representing a surface with
black dots, resembling a knife-handle, as reported by Alberto on the IPKat here.

When the case was lodged the first time before the General Court, the latter considered that the Board of Appeal erred in applying a principle of reverse engineering to assess the real nature of the marks at issue on the basis of elements (Yoshida’s American patents) other than the trade mark applications. The Board of Appeal should not have concluded that the black dots were non-skid structures featured on the surface of the marks: it is the trade mark application that is the sole documentation to take into account since it includes the trade marks’ representations which define the scope of protection of the sign and must be self-contained.
That being said, the CJEU took a totally different stand upon receiving the appeal of Pi-Design, Bodum France and Bodum Logistic. The Court of Justice specified that the examination under Article 7.1.e.ii) must be in compliance with the provision’s purpose of public interest, so that it can encompass all relevant materials not limited to the trade mark’s graphic representation and descriptions.
In its judgment yesterday,
the General Court ruled on the single plea in law raised by Yoshida, as divided
into three parts, and rejected Yoshida's appeal.
First, the Court observed that, contrary to Yoshida's argument, Article 7(1)(e)(ii) applies not
only to three-dimensional marks but also to two-dimensional marks representing
the shape of a product, when all its features serve a technical function. Secondly, the General Court analysed whether the Board of Appeal correctly assessed the nature and the essential character of the contested marks’ main characteristics, identified in the contour of the trapezium shape and the arrays of black dots. Yes, said the Court: the Board of Appeal was right to conclude that the marks at issue constituted the shape of goods produced and marketed by the trade mark proprietor. Despite Yoshida’s denial, the trapezium shape was not a negligible element of the mark and indeed represented the handle of its knives or other cutlery. The Court also recognised that the array of black dots featured on the marks’ surface was nothing else than knives’ indentations.
Thirdly, the Court addressed the interplay between various IP rights (i.e.
trade marks, patents, designs) and IP holders’ strategies to bolster those rights either by extending them or by replacing the protection of one of them with
Other arguments set out by
Yoshida were equally unsuccessful: that the shape of the handle could equally or
even more contribute to the non-skid effect of the cutlery just confirmed that
such a handle had a functional character; although the dents could not be
necessary for the non-skid effect, also provided that the handle’s shape could
serve that purpose, the invalidity ground was not to be excluded; finally, either
the shape of the handle or the disposition of the array of black dots had no
fanciful or ornamental character.
All in all, the Yoshida’s marks were found capable of preventing other
competing undertakings from using either similar or identical shapes which were considered to be purely functional shape for a technical result.
When functionality cuts deep, it can be hard to handle: Yoshida appeal dismissed
Reviewed by valentina torelli
Friday, May 22, 2015

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