Once again [see here for the latest installment],
one might have thought that the story with hyperlinks and copyright was
Of course it's not.
This time at issue there are questions such as: Is
selling a product that contains hyperlinks to infringing content a copyright
infringement? Are those who stream unlawful content infringers?
These, in a nutshell, are the very interesting questions [see here for an English translation] that
the Midden-Nederland District Court (The Netherlands) has
just referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).
Katfriend Dirk
Visser, who represents one of the parties to the background
(Dutch anti-piracy organisation BREIN),
explains that this case concerns a media player (filmspeler) that an
individual, Wullems, offered for sale via the website www.filmspeler.nl.
The sale of this product was advertised as follows:
“- Never pay for films, series, sport again, watch them directly without commercial
breaks or waiting times (no subscription fees, plug&play). This means that
Netflix is a thing of the past!
- Watching films, series, sport free of charge? Yes please!
- Never go to the movies again thanks to our optimised XBMC software. Free HD
films and series, including films fresh from the cinema, thanks to XBMC.
- Are you looking for a Media player so you can watch your favourite films and
series FREE OF CHARGE on any TV in HD Full HD or 3D? Then one of our Android
Filmspelers (X5 X7 or X9) is right for you!
- You just connect the Filmspeler to your TV/monitor. Plug and play, easy
- Everything is plug&play and easy to use. All settings have been
optimised. A selection of the installed software: ..."
Apparently Wullems installed open source software
XBMC on his product and add-ons. The latter contain hyperlinks to contain
hyperlinks, which, when clicked on, re-direct users to streaming websites
managed by third parties and allowing one to watch films, TV series and live
sports events made available without the relevant rightholders' consent.
BREIN started proceedings against Wullems for
copyright infringement, also seeking a declaration that streaming by internet
users of copyright works made available without the consent of the relevant
rightholders does not qualify as ‘a lawful use’ within the meaning of Section
13a(b) of the Dutch Copyright Act, Section 1(f) of the Dutch Related Rights Act
and Article 5(1)(b) of the InfoSoc Directive.
The Midden-Nederland District Court decided to stay the
proceedings and refer two sets of questions to the CJEU:
Shocking: BestWater was not the end |
1) Is providing links to unlawful content an act of
"Must Article 3(1) of the InfoSoc
Directive be interpreted to mean that “an act of communication to the public”
within the meaning of that provision occurs if someone sells a product (ie a
media player) on which he has installed add-ons that contain hyperlinks to
websites on which direct access is provided to copyright-protected works such
as films, series and live broadcasts without the rightholders’ consent? [
this different if
- the copyright-protected works have not been previously disclosed to the
public online at all or solely via a subscription with the rightholders’
- the add-ons that contain hyperlinks to websites on which online access is
provided to copyright-protected works without the rightholders’ consent are
freely available and can also be installed on the media player by the users
- the websites on which access is provided to copyright-protected works without
the rightholders’ consent can also be located and accessed by the public
without the media player?"
The Dutch court observed that no unequivocal
guidance could be inferred from preceding CJEU case law. In particular, the
court observed [contrary to a recent Greek ruling] that,
although the BestWater case related to a work that
was disclosed to the public without the rightholder’s consent, that decision
does not state that no work is communicated to the public (either) if the link
leads to the public to a website on which the work has been published without
the rightholder’s consent
Incidentally, in this humble Kat's
humble opinion, what the Dutch court said is correct, because in BestWater the CJEU appeared to imply the need
for permission of the initial communication: "If and to the extent that [a]
work is freely accessible on the website to which the internet link
points, the assumption must be that the holders of the copyright
have, when they permitted this communication, considered all internet users as
the public."
The look of terror: what if the film George is streaming was from an unlicensed source? |
2) Is streaming unlawful content OK?
Article 5 of the Copyright Directive (Directive 2001/29/EC) be interpreted to
mean that there is no “lawful use” within the meaning of the first paragraph at
b of that provision, if a temporary reproduction is made by an end user during
the streaming of a copyright-protected work from a website of a third party on
which this copyright-protected work is offered without the consent of the
If the answer to this question is in the negative, is making a temporary
reproduction by an end user during the streaming of a copyright-protected work
from a website of a third party on which this copyright-protected work is
offered without the consent of the rightholder(s) in breach of a the
“three-step test” referred to in Article 5(5) of the Copyright Directive
(Directive 2001/29/EC)?"
IPKat readers may recall that, among other things,
in its decision in FAPL the CJEU held (para 168) that
"As is apparent from recital 33 in the preamble to the [InfoSoc]
Directive, a use should be considered lawful where it is authorised by the
right holder or where it is not restricted by the applicable legislation."
In addition, in ACI Adam [another reference from The Netherlands, commented here and here] the CJEU concluded that the private
copying exception within Article 5(2) of the InfoSoc Directive does not
encompass reproductions from unlicensed sources.
The Court observed that Article 5(2)(b)
does not address expressly the lawful or unlawful nature of the source from
which a reproduction may be made. However, when adopting the InfoSoc Directive,
one of the objectives of EU legislature was to provide a high level of
copyright protection. As a consequence, exceptions and limitations to exclusive
rights must be interpreted strictly, and Member States must comply with the
three-step test as per Article 5(5) of this directive. In compliance with these
principles – notably that of strict interpretation of exceptions and
limitations – the private copying exception must be understood as excluding
reproductions from unlicensed sources.
This conclusion was also
considered in line with what is required by the 3-step test in Article 5(5). To
accept that reproductions for private uses may be made from an unlawful source
would encourage the circulation of unlicensed works, thus inevitably reducing
the volume of sales or of other lawful transactions relating to the protected
works. This would conflict with the principle that exceptions and limitations
must not conflict with a normal exploitation of the work and must not
unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of rightholders.
For ease: the "Request for a preliminary ruling from the Hoge Raad der Nederlanden (Netherlands) lodged on 7 April 2015 — GS Media BV v Sanoma Media Netherlands BV and Others(Case C-160/15)" can be found here - http://curia.europa.eu/juris/document/document.jsf?text=Sanoma&docid=164772&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1&cid=188548#ctx1
ReplyDelete"... the circulation of unlicensed works, thus inevitably reducing the volume of sales or of other lawful transaction ..."
ReplyDeleteThat's a very big & unproven assumption.