away and want to catch up with last week's IP news? No problem! As always, IPKat is here to bring you a quick summary - the 159th edition of Never Too
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Keeping one eye open for the latest IP news |
How does one calculate
the damages caused by an interim injunction? Eibhlin explains the recent Patents
Court decision of Napp
Pharmaceutical Holdings Limited v (1) Dr Reddy's Laboratories (2) Sandoz
Limited (and Ohers) [2017] EWHC 1433 (Pat) which provided guidance on the issue.
Neil pays homage to June Foray, the voice behind a portfolio
of character’s such as Lucifer the cat from Cinderella, Jokey Smurf, Mrs. Cauldron from The Garfield Show,
Rocket J. Squirrel and Natasha Fatale
from “Rocky and his Friends”. Neil ponders the legal protection of voice creations.
Can grey markets be considered
akin to trade in counterfeit goods, when it comes to the application
of criminal provisions in trade mark law? The UK Supreme Court answered
this question in the affirmative earlier this week in its judgment
in R v M & Ors [2017] UKSC 58.
Katfriend Yannos Paramythiotis brings the
news of Greece’s recently adopted administrative procedure to tackle online
copyright infringements.
Katfriend Darren Meale reports on the CJEU decision
Continental Reifen Deutschland v Compagnie generale
des etablissements Michelin
which upheld tyre giant Continental’s appeal against Michelin, concerning their
stylised registered mark ‘X’.
Kat friends Lau Kok Keng, Nicholas Lauw and Jiamin Leow report
on how the Singapore Court of Appeal has addressed the issue of database
protection in the case of Global Yellow Pages Ltd v Promedia Directories Pte
Ltd and anor matter [2017] SGCA 28
Mathilde Pavis explains a decision from the French
courts which stated that both internet service providers and browser providers
can be legally bound to block infringing content, and pick up the bill for the
costs of such injunctions.
are invited to attend the INTA Trademark Administrators and Practitioners
Meeting (TMAP) which takes place in New Orleans from September 17th
5th edition of TILTing which took place at the Tilburg University from 17 until
20 May 2017. In the first part of this 2 part conference report Verónica discusses
two talks. The first on Israel's copyright infringement strategies though intermediaries and the courts, and the second focused on the algorithm of said intermediaries.
How much do copyright
owners lose from online platforms hosting links to unauthorized copies of their
works uploaded by third parties? The Paris Criminal Court of Appeal awarded a
total amount of 13 million euros and 12 months’ imprisonment in the case of D.M.
v APP, Microsoft, Sacem and others, available in French
language here.
Never Too Late 158 [week ending Sunday 30
July] The right of communication to the
public ... in a chart I From Coca-Cola Zero to Coca-Cola Zero Sugar: big deal
or no deal? I Brexit roundtable for brand owners in the financial services
industry I CREATe Summer Summit 2017: Open Science, Open Culture & the
Global South (and everything between) I BREAKING: BGH asks CJEU what a
'quotation' is: only unaltered reproductions or also something else? I AG Wahl
says that, at certain conditions, suppliers of luxury goods may prohibit
retailers from selling on third-party online platforms I Book Review: Common
Innovation I EPO takes an ‘about turn’ on the patentability of products
obtained by essentially biological processes I More on broccoli, tomatoes, and
the patentability of a plant or animal obtained by means of an essentially
biological process I Copyright protection of minimalist furniture design I
Geographical Indications: News from the UK and New Zealand I French Supreme
Court : End of the trade mark dispute over 'Cheval Blanc' I Event Report: The
European Intellectual Property Teacher's Network 10th Anniversary Conference I
Around the IP Blogs
Never Too Late 157 [week ending Sunday 23
July] Sky v SkyKick - no CJEU reference re
removal of own name defence to EUTMs | An improved improver? UK Supreme Court
moves towards a UK Doctrine of Equivalents in Lilly pemetrexed battle? | An
improved Improver? Part 2 | It may be use, but is it trade mark use? | The
protection of TV formats: an Italian mock trial | What can the possible
implications of the CJEU Pirate Bay decision be? A new paper | In memoriam of
Kenneth Jay Lane: "My designs are all original"; "original from
someone" | French Commercial Tribunal: clarity in paternity is key
Never Too Late 156 [week
ending Sunday 16 July] A film is a film is a film: at
Cannes, it's not that simple | BGH grants compulsory license in preliminary
proceedings | An improved Improver? UK Supreme Court moves towards a UK
Doctrine of Equivalents in Lilly pemetrexed battle | The Smoking Gun - Is IP
research the next tobacco scandal? | the special world of pesticide products,
counterfeits and parallel imports | New CJEU reference ... asking whether
InfoSoc Directive envisages digital exhaustion | Freedom of panorama in Italy:
does it exist? | Can Crowdsourcing Solve the Orphan Works Problem? | the EU IPO
Observatory study finds trade secrets rule the roost over patents in Europe |
Mock (culinary) trial at INTA 2017 | Weetabix in New Zealand Customs dispute
over local rival Weet-bix
Never Too Late 155 [week
ending Sunday 9 July] First application of the parody
exception in Canadian law - long live Deckmyn!| "Big Box" not found
generic or lacking distinctive character, but still .... | Changes to the
Singapore copyright system: an update on the recent public consultations | he
diplomatic crisis of Qatar and Gulf Cooperation Council's IP |
Bundesgerichtshof's landmark ruling to hook extra-territorial patent
infringement in Germany | BREAKING: Eli Lilly success as UK Supreme Court finds
Actavis products directly and indirectly infringe pemetrexed patent | Monday
Miscellany | Sunday Surprises
Photo credit: frankieleon
Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat Last Week!
Reviewed by Hayleigh Bosher
Friday, August 18, 2017

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