“The International Trademark Association (INTA) is currently accepting submissions of original papers on trademark law or a matter that directly

The award was established in 1995 in memory of Stephen P. Ladas, a distinguished practitioner and author, and is funded by Ladas & Parry, LLP, a law firm with offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., London, and Munich. According to INTA CEO Etienne Sanz de Acedo—
"INTA’s Ladas Memorial Award recognizes original scholarly works that address relevant, timely, and emerging issues in the field of trademark law. In honor of the late Stephen P. Ladas, we acknowledge both students’ and professionals’ contributions of thought leadership and research on matters that directly impact trademarks, and we provide an opportunity to increase exposure to their important work."Pursuant to the official rules and requirements, the papers will be judged on the following criteria: nature, breadth, and timeliness of subject(s) addressed, originality of subject and of thought, extent of research and scholarship, and quality of writing. Eligible students must be enrolled as either full-time or part-time law or graduate students. Professional authors may be legal practitioners, business professionals, and/or academics.
The student winners will each receive U.S. $2,500 and complimentary registration to the 2018 INTA Annual Meeting, which takes place in May. The professional winner will receive a set of Stephen P. Ladas’s three-volume treatise, Patents, Trademarks, and Related Rights, and complimentary registration to the 2018 INTA Annual Meeting.
The deadline to submit a paper is January 19, 2018. INTA will announce the winners in March 2018. To submit a paper, visit here. Please contact ladasaward@inta.org with any questions.”
It would be great to read in March 2018 that the winner is also an avid IPKat reader.
Photo by Herrfous (talk), who has released it into the public domain.
By Neil Wilkof
INTA calling: The 2018 Ladas Memorial Award competition for paper on a trademark subject
Reviewed by Neil Wilkof
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

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