Too busy celebrating the holiday season to keep up
with the latest IP news? No problem! As always, the IPKat is here to bring you
a quick summary -- the 175th edition of Never Too Late (week ending
24th December).
![]() |
feeeelin' festive! |
Katfriend Mirko Brüß (Waldorf
Frommer Rechtsanwälte) has had a chance to analyze the reasoning of the decision of the German Federal Court of Justice
(BGH), which refused the idea of having to apply the GS
Media [Katposts here] presumption of knowledge for for-profit link
providers to search engines, in case I ZR 11/16. In the case, an unlawful act of communication to the public by the
defendant can only be found once the defendant knew or should have known of the
unlawful nature of the work that it is linked to. Such knowledge would be present
once the defendant was expressly informed by the rights holder of the unlawful
nature of the information appearing on the site.
Kat friends Tim Golder and Lauren John (of
Allens) report on legislative developments in relation to IP Australia’s
release of an exposure
draft of the legislation that will partially implement the Federal
Government's response
to the Productivity Commission's (PC) final
report on its inquiry into Australia's IP arrangements. They discuss
some of the significant amendments to Australia's IP laws that are included in
the draft legislation.
Rainier days ahead for Starbucks as it loses trade mark opposition in Singapore
friend Gillian Tan of
Infinitus Law reports on a recent decision in Singapore in which Starbucks
failed in an opposition based on its composite mark and its colour scheme. In the
case Starbucks Corporation vs Morinaga Nyugyo Kabushiki Kaisha [2017]
SGIPOS 18, Starbucks opposed the registration of a mark by the Japanese dairy
company, based on alleged similar layout. The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore
(IPOS) found that it was not the colour scheme per se or the conceptual layout
comprising the concentric circles that would be retained in the minds of the
consumer. Rather, it is the textual and figurative elements in the marks that
play significant roles in the recollection of the marks. Because these elements
are completely different from each other, the marks are not visually similar.
To celebrate
98 years since the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919 was passed,
officially deeming women to be “persons”, Hayleigh takes the opportunity to
consider gender diversity in law, and intellectual property law in particular.
In view of this, she introduces the World IP Women (WIPW) global
Katfriend Nedim Malovic (Sandart & Partners)
reports on a judgement released earlier this week (Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne v Aldi
Süd Dienstleistungs-GmbH & Co.OHG, C-393/16) where the Court of Justice
of the European Union (CJEU) reviewed relevant EU legislation on protected
designations of origin (PDOs), following an injunction sought by the Comité Inteprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC) against the sale of the sale of “Champagner Sorbet” in 2012.
annual copyright awards have been presented! Looking at the past 12 months of
cases, categories of awards include; most important copyright decision, copyright
person of the year, most important unresolved issue, most important policy
issue for 2018, and most important copyright-protected work.
Too Late 174 [week ending 17 December] The
first modern blockbuster IP merchandising campaign? Disney, Davy Crockett and
the coonskin cap I UPC - update from UK on statutory instruments I The ILO
rules reinstatement of Board of Appeal member, but EPO resists I INTA calling:
The 2018 Ladas Memorial Award competition for paper on a trademark subject I R
0003/15: surprising interpretation of feature violates right to be heard I
Germany: Bundespatentgericht annuls Nespresso capsule shape mark I Wind in the
sails for atypical trade marks in the EU - graphical representation following
the recent EUTM reforms I Coty, distribution agreements and luxury brands I
Around the IP Blogs! I Monday Miscellany
Never Too Late 173 [Week
ending Sunday 10 December] Why is it so difficult to the make the
case against counterfeiting (or does it just seem so)? | The Red Bull colours:
no trade mark registration for indeterminate colour combination | Limoges
porcelain now protected by French GI scheme | BREAKING NEWS - CJEU holds that
preserving luxury image of products in selective distribution agreements is not
contrary to competition law | AIPPI Congress Report 15: Partial Designs: Full
Protection? | AIPPI Congress Report 16: Patentability of Computer-Implemented
Inventions | INTA Brand Authenticity Conference (Report 4): Brands, social
media and CSR | Commissioned research opportunity - exhaustion of rights |
BREAKING: CJEU holds that SPCs cannot be obtained on the basis of an "end
of procedure notice" pursuant to Article 3(b) SPC Regulation | You snooze
(for 40 years) you lose – HABITAT mark (un)enforced in bad faith | Role of CJEU
post-Brexit to be considered by House of Lords inquiry
Never Too Late 172 [Week
ending 26 November] EMA relocation: and the winner
is...Amsterdam! I In memoriam: Azzedine Alaïa, the King of Cling (and what it
tells us about the fashion industry) I Athens Court of Appeal applies CJEU GS
Media linking decision and interprets 'profit-making intention' restrictively I
Damages awarded for the ‘loss of opportunity’ to commercialise photographs
following infringement ILost their marbles? When can you register a
geographical name as a trade mark? Mermeren v Fox ISir Robin Jacob calls for
System 2 thinking for patent law I Florence court prohibits unauthorized
commercial use of David's image I Thursday Thingies [Week
ending 3 December] Clash of the beer pongs -
Breakthrough Funding Ltd v Nearby Media Ltd I WTO establishes panel to examine
Qatar’s complaint against UAE I What's next for trade marks in the UK and EU?
Report on JIPLP/GRUR trade mark conference I BREAKING: CJEU rules in that the
making available of copies of TV programmes saved in the cloud must be
authorised by rights owner I The VCAST decision: how to turn a private copying
case into a case about communication/making available to the public I France:
patent infringers can be ‘named and shamed’…within reason I BGH rules on
international jurisdiction of German courts in EU trade mark cases I EU
Commission sets middle course for SEP licensing in Europe I Judge Hacon’s 10 (+
1) commandments on joint authorship under UK copyright law. I UK House of
Commons committee progresses final stages of UPC ratification I INTA Brand
Authenticity Conference (Report 1): Building brand value via ethical and
sustainable credentials; INTA Brand Authenticity Conference (Report 2):
Building brand value via ethical and sustainable credentials and INTA Brand
Authenticity Conference (Report 3): Building brand value via ethical and
sustainable credentials I Now available!: English translation of Dutch Supreme
Court decision in MSD v Teva highlights UK Supreme Court's Actavis decision I
Student essays: how to write a good piece? I Around the IP Blogs!
Photo: JoshBerglund19
Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat Last Week!
Reviewed by Hayleigh Bosher
Friday, December 29, 2017

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