As many will know, the AmeriKat is passionate about supporting women in STEM, law and policy and is fighting for equality in these fields (in terms of representation and pay).

A core graduate report by Wise released in February, revealed that whilst the number of women graduating from STEM subjects has risen slightly (by 320 in 2016/2017), the percentage of women graduating in those subjects has fallen from 25% to 24%. When looking at some specific subjects the statistics are bleak. Women make up only 14% of Engineering and Technology graduates (unchanged from 2015/16) and a similarly disappointing 15% of Computer Science graduates.
When confronted with these statistics the AmeriKat knew she had to pounce into action and contribute to changing them. In her role as Co-Chair of the London Chapter of the ChIPs Network, the London Chapter has organized “Women, Coding and the Future”, an event designed to shed light on coding first principles, and bring together the ChIPs London Network to find ways of supporting each other and women entering the STEM, law and policy fields.
Date: Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Time: 18:00 (registration); 18:00-19:15 (presentation and Q&A); 19:15 onwards (drinks/nibbles)
Location: Bird & Bird LLP, 12 Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1JP
Speakers: Amali de Alwis, CEO of Code First: Girls and Anita Shaw, European Patent Attorney & Chartered UK Patent Attorney at IBM
What is it about? As reported by the AmeriKat last May (see here) the issues preventing and deterring women and girls from entering STEM, law and policy must be addressed to ensure diversity and innovation across these fields for the benefit of all society. So ChIPs invites Amali de Alwis of Code First: Girls to present a fun how-to introduction to coding first principles and Anita Shaw of IBM to give a lightening talk sharing her experience entering tech and her unique journey to where she is today. Afterwards we will discuss and brainstorm how we can encourage and support more girls and women in tech. Drinks and canapes will be served afterwards thanks to the wonderful hospitality of Bird & Bird.
This event is open to all members of the ChIPs Community (and all sharing our mission are welcome). To become a member of ChIPs, click here and follow the ChIPs Network: London LinkedIn page for future updates.
Cost: £20. All proceeds of the registration fee goes to Code First: Girls 2020 Campaign with the goal of teaching 20,000 women how to code for free by the end of 2020 to help society and the UK economy grow.
Registration: Register on the Eventbrite page here.

When confronted with these statistics the AmeriKat knew she had to pounce into action and contribute to changing them. In her role as Co-Chair of the London Chapter of the ChIPs Network, the London Chapter has organized “Women, Coding and the Future”, an event designed to shed light on coding first principles, and bring together the ChIPs London Network to find ways of supporting each other and women entering the STEM, law and policy fields.
Date: Wednesday, 11 April 2018
Time: 18:00 (registration); 18:00-19:15 (presentation and Q&A); 19:15 onwards (drinks/nibbles)
Location: Bird & Bird LLP, 12 Fetter Lane, London, EC4A 1JP
Speakers: Amali de Alwis, CEO of Code First: Girls and Anita Shaw, European Patent Attorney & Chartered UK Patent Attorney at IBM
What is it about? As reported by the AmeriKat last May (see here) the issues preventing and deterring women and girls from entering STEM, law and policy must be addressed to ensure diversity and innovation across these fields for the benefit of all society. So ChIPs invites Amali de Alwis of Code First: Girls to present a fun how-to introduction to coding first principles and Anita Shaw of IBM to give a lightening talk sharing her experience entering tech and her unique journey to where she is today. Afterwards we will discuss and brainstorm how we can encourage and support more girls and women in tech. Drinks and canapes will be served afterwards thanks to the wonderful hospitality of Bird & Bird.
This event is open to all members of the ChIPs Community (and all sharing our mission are welcome). To become a member of ChIPs, click here and follow the ChIPs Network: London LinkedIn page for future updates.
Cost: £20. All proceeds of the registration fee goes to Code First: Girls 2020 Campaign with the goal of teaching 20,000 women how to code for free by the end of 2020 to help society and the UK economy grow.
Registration: Register on the Eventbrite page here.
Forthcoming ChIPs Event: Women, Coding and the Future on 11 April 2018
Reviewed by Annsley Merelle Ward
Friday, April 06, 2018

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