The Motion
Picture Association is looking for a Brussels-based Copyright Policy Legal
Advisor to advise the EMEA policy team on copyright law matters in the region
comprising Europe, the Middle East and Africa, with a particular emphasis on
European affairs. Job description and application procedure may be found here.
The Max Planck
Institute for Innovation and Competition is in search for a Junior
Research Fellow to undertake academic work in a research project on the
protection of geographical indications (with the possibility of an independent
doctorate), comparative legal analysis of EU-wide and foreign regulations on
the protection of geographical indications and their connection to trade marks,
as well as market-related questions (e.g. competition and consumer law), and
collaboration on empirical studies and data evaluation. Application documents
(letter of application, a detailed CV with publications list, and proof of
qualification for foreign languages) should be submitted by 31 May to
and Training
OxFirst Academy
invites readers to a two-day, fully CPD accredited intensive course entitled “Intellectual
Property Wealth Generation”, which will be held at Oxford University. The program
is designed to enable the inventors to align IP strategy with the goals they
have for their inventions, grasp core concepts of invention valuation and
target novel markets for the commercialisation of the inventions. Details about
the course modules, moderators and registration are available at OxFirst
Academy website here.
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Beautiful Padova |
The Innovation
and Technology Law Summer School invites professors, graduate students,
research scientists, and professionals, who are interested in the intersection
of law and innovation, to Padova on 18-23 June. The
session program will focus on the emerging issues in the field of technology
law, in particular exploring the interface between computer science and law and
the significant role that law plays in promoting innovation. The Summer School
is subsidised, with registration limited to 30 applicants. More details here.
The Institute
for Information Law, affiliate of the University of Amsterdam, will hold its annual Summer Courses on International Copyright Law and on Privacy Law and Policy. The courses are held simultaneously from 2
to 6 July and will take place in the city center of Amsterdam. Both
courses are aimed at private sector lawyers, government officials, NGO staff,
academics, PhD students and others involved in matters of copyright
law. Enrollment is limited to 25 participants.
Copyright Society is organising an international conference - “EU copyright,
quo vadis?”. The event will take place on the 25 May at
Université Saint-Louis, Brussels. It aims to engage a fruitful debate with the
European Commission and the audience on the reform of copyright. This debate
will also take into account the looming challenges that artificial intelligence
poses to various key notions of copyright. Full programs, speaker list and the
logistics are here.
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The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown |
London Craft
Week will feature an event on 9 May: Protecting
design - what exactly is "artistic craftsmanship"? A multi-disciplinary panel of experts,
including designers, curators, commentators and legal experts (see details here), will address this question from a number of
viewpoints. They will also attempt to
get to the essence of what it means to put artistic objects into the world
today and to try to decipher what exactly we should consider to be ‘artistic
craftsmanship’. Sign up here and join the discussion at the Simmons
& Simmons London offices in Moorgate.
On 7-8 May in Alicante, the EUIPO will hold its second IP
Case Law Conference. The event will be dedicated to substantive and procedural
issues surrounding trade mark and design registration. This conference will
bring together users of the international IP systems, practitioners, judges,
national and international institutions for the two-day event. Click here
for programme and registration.
The 9th GRUR
meets Brussels Workshop will be dedicated to artificial intelligence, robotics
and IP. Join the free event on 5 June from 12.00
to 20.00 at the Representation of the State of North-Rhine Westphalia to the
European Union, Brussels. Early registration
is highly recommended.
In 2017 and 2018, the Alexander von Humboldt
Institute for Internet and Society has organised a workshop series in
cooperation with the Haus der Kulturen der Welt to discuss the pressing issues concerning
music and copyright law in the digital society. The
series is part of the ‘100
years of copyright’ programme of the HKW and it aims to examine
copyright law in an interdisciplinary fashion. The events address topics such
as the role of collecting societies, the classification of sampling as
transformative art or copyright infringement, issues around hosting- and
streaming platforms and fair remuneration of authors. More information is
provided here.
credits: Luca Argalia and Emily Limna
Wednesday Whimsies
Reviewed by Ieva Giedrimaite
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

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