Not only
was last week overloaded with chocolate eggs and other Easter joys (and even some
matzo); the IP world was
fruitful as well. A number of seminal decisions, forum discussions and modern
technology considerations all took place. Let’s take a sneak peek at the IP
blogo-globe. The IPKat is in search of some food for thought!
Trade Marks
Class 46 brings an update from the European
Observatory Private Sector Representatives Meeting, where
industry experts and specialist stakeholders discussed
such topics as the upcoming The EDB Forum, IPR TechWatch, and EUIPO’s
Blockathon competition.
Trademark Blog reflects on the
first-ever ADR domain name proceedings to have taken place in Slovakia. The
case involved a dispute over the domain name <>, where the owner
of the VOGUE trademarks sought the transfer of the disputed domain name. The
Panel of Experts decided in favour of the complainant.
Finance offers an interesting discussion about SEPs in the context of the upcoming 5G
communications technology, which carries a promise of an enhanced mobile
broadband, ultra-reliable and low-latency communications, and Massive Machine
Type Communication in the Internet of Things.
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When 4G is not enough |
Patent Blog publishes the last (fifth) post of the series on the EPO’s
vision and the current situation, this time dealing with the issue of EPO and trust,
and trust-building measures such as transparency, fairness and respect.
Patently-O updates its readers on the latest
developments in an Oracle America, Inc.
v. Google LLC saga. The Federal Circuit reversed
an earlier on-remand decision in favour of fair use, hence essentially going
all-in on the issue of copyright infringement when it comes to software. This
opinion comes on the shoulders of the same panel’s previous opinion
concluding that Oracle’s API packages meet the requirements for copyright
and Marketing Law Blog offers a critical overview of a U.S. Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia decision
in Spanski Enterprises Inc. v. Telewizja
Polska S.A.. The ruling arguably
makes geoblocking de facto mandatory for anyone acting on the internet who makes
content available and wants to avoid liability for copyright infringement.
1709 Blog reflects on the reforms associated with a fair dealing exemption
in Canada and Australia. Federal Members of the Canadian Parliament have begun
a mandated review of the Copyright Act, and one issue MPs are examining is the
application of “fair dealing” exemption to classroom uses of
copyright-protected materials. Meanwhile in Australia, 50 years after the
passage of the Copyright Act 1968, the Government is now seeking commentary
from the public in respect of how Australian copyright law can be modernised
and updated. In a consultation
paper published earlier this month, the Government highlights three areas
of the Copyright Act which may benefit from modernisation: flexible exceptions,
contracting out of exceptions, and access to orphan works (the latter issue
having been discussed at length by Guest Kat Mathilde Pavis on IPKat, here).
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A Kat's bathroom is his castle |
has published an Authors' Take post on the Versailles Court of Appeal decision,
which addressed the copyrightability of a bathroom photograph. The court
considered the originality of a
photograph as expressed by the choice of lighting, framing, angle, highlighting of
specific items, creating a determinate ambience, and digital editing, and confirmed
that the photograph of a bathroom could be protected by copyright, as
understood under Articles L111-1 and L112-2 9 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Lens analyses two recent cases (here and here),
which were brought before the Italian Administrative Court of Lazio (TAR Lazio).
The court faced a question whether copyright protection might limit the right
to access software algorithms of interested parties in administrative
Image credits: Tanya Kostina and Fofurasfelinas
Around the IP Blogs!
Reviewed by Ieva Giedrimaite
Wednesday, April 04, 2018

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