Tuesday Thingies

Conferences and webinars 

On January 14, the British Literary and Artistic Copyright Association (BLACA) is organizing a webinar on “Case C-265/19 – victory or blow for performers’ rights?”, to discuss the recent decision of the CJEU in C-265/19, concerning the performers’ rights to single equitable remuneration. Linda Scales and Paul Torremans will be the panelists at the event, while Sir Richard Arnold will act as the moderator. Participation at the event is free of charge, following this link


GuestKat Hayleigh Bosher has launched a series of podcasts, called “Whose song is it anyway”. This music podcast gives her perspective on copyright and creativity in the music industry by talking to music artists, songwriters, musicians and people from the music industry. The first episode is already available at Anchor and on Youtube.
Tuesday Thingies Tuesday Thingies Reviewed by Anastasiia Kyrylenko on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 Rating: 5

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