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This Kat knows he's top dog |
A new week can only mean one thing: new events and opportunities from around the world of IP.
Webinars & Courses
INTA and the 4ip Council are co-hosting a webinar on 11 February 2021, drawing on themes addressed here, to address the topic of '3D printing and intellectual property: issues and solutions'. Register here.
The UCL's Institute of Brand and Innovation Law's Annual Brand Lecture is taking place on 10 February 2021 (via Zoom), on the subject of 'Perfecting Pharmaceutical Trade Mark Protection: Pinnacles and Pitfalls'. Further details and registration can be found here.
UCL's IBIL is also holding a new online course on 'Intellectual property agreements: Law and practice', in 12 one-hour lunch-time sessions over the course of 6 weeks, starting on 16th February 2021. It will address key issues in the area, including the detailed wording of IP agreements relating to a range of topics. Find out more and register here.
The University of Luxembourg is advertising for a doctoral candidate in Law, under the supervision of Professor Mark Cole, to research in the area of DIgitaLisation Law And Innovation / DILLAN. Information on the application process and prerequisites can be found here.
Call for Papers
Vytautas Magnus University will host an interdisciplinary online conference on the theme 'Intelligent & Autonomous: Emergent Digital Technologies and the Challenges of Disinformation, Security and Regulation' on 12 March 2021. Interested participants may submit abstracts of up to 300 words with a submission deadline of 26 February 2021. For more information on how to submit, see the conference flyer.
With a deadline of 9 April 2021, the European Commission has launched a public consultation on revision of the EU geographical indications scheme for food and drink. Find out more and fill in the questionnaire here.
The UK's Intellectual Property Office has published a Copyright Notice giving an overview of copyright duration, of interest to anyone wishing to find out more about how long copyright lasts in both existing and new works.
The IPO has also announced that any saved trade mark applications must be submitted by Wednesday 27 January 2021, as technical updates taking place on 28 January 2021 to the online trade mark application form (eTM3) will result in any saved changes to in-progress applications being lost. For any queries, contact the Information Centre at information@ipo.gov.uk or on 0300 300 2000.
Photo by Анна Кухарчук from Pexels
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