August is finally over and September has just arrived. With a new month comes a new post with the best and latest IP events and opportunities.
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A Kat reflecting on its decisions so far (and, more immediately, if it is worth entering the tunnel) |
IPKat Team News
The IPKat would like to share the following news about the Team:
For the time being we are saying goodbye to our GuestKat Riana Harvey: we thank her for her contribution to the Blog over the past few years and look forward to collaborating with her again in the future!
We are also happy to announce that Rose Hughes has been appointed SpecialKat and will be our resident PatKat: she will continue writing about patent law and help broaden our coverage of patent developments. Congratulations Rose!
IP Lawyers Tool - 1st World Robot Patent Drafting Symposium - 23 and 24 September 2022 - Cannes, France
IP Lawyers Tool will hold the 1st World Robot Patent Drafting Symposium on 23 and 24 September 2022 from 1:00pm to 8:00pm (CEST). The event will feature renowned speakers and has limited seats available. Registration is available through the event's website.
EUIPO - Conveying meaning – options and limits for protecting new forms of marks in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute - 27 September 2022 - Online
In its series "Tuesday Webinars", the EUIPO will bring a webinar in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute to raise awareness on the ‘philosophy’ underlying the requirements for the protection of new types of marks, and maybe shed light on the difficulties that courts and authorities necessarily face when applying the specific rules governing the registration/exclusion of shapes and other product characteristics. The event is free and is currently open for registration here.
CIPA - CIPA Congress 2022 - 15 September 2022 - London, UK
This year marks the return of the CIPA Congress in person. CIPA will hold their Congress on 15 September 2022 from 8:00am to 7:00pm (BST), with a stimulating programme including high-profile keynote speakers and topical panel discussions in which members can share their expertise. CIPA will be also holding the CIPA Annual Dinner, which is bookable separately from the Congress itself. Registration is open on the congress webpage.
EPIP - EPIP 2022 Conference - 14 to 16 September 2022 - Cambridge, UK
The EPIP Annual conference brings together scholars, including doctoral students, working on economics, management, and law with a focus on intellectual property, along with policy-makers and stakeholders. They foster an interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge. Sessions include contributed papers, keynote presentations, and policy-focused panel discussions. This year's conference will be held from 14 to 16 September. Further information about the 2022 Conference Program and registration can be found here.
COMMUNIA and Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte - Filtered Futures: Fundamental Rights Constraints of Upload Filters after the CJEU Ruling on Article 17 of the Copyright Directive - 19 September 2022 - Berlin, Germany and online
COMMUNIA and Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte are jointly hosting the conference “Filtered Futures: Fundamental Rights Constraints of Upload Filters after the CJEU Ruling on Article 17 of the Copyright Directive” on 19 September 2022 from 8:45am to 7:00pm (CEST) to discuss the consequences of the CJEU decision on Article 17 of the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive. The conference program is available here and registration is available here.
IPOS - IP Week @ SG 2022 - 6 and 7 September 2022 - Singapore
IP Week @ SG returns bigger and better on 6 and 7 September at the Singapore Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre! This premier IP event will bring together global IP leaders, thought leaders, legal experts, and innovative enterprises to discuss IP strategies for growth. Topics include the latest insights on Artificial Intelligence, NFTs, sustainability, and more. For more information and to register, click here.
EUI - Florence Patent Licensing Academy - 3 to 6 October 2022 - Florence, Italy and online
The Florence Patent Licensing Academy is organised by the Florence Competition Programme and the Florence School of Regulation – Communications and Media of the European University Institute. The Florence School of Regulation – Communications and Media is heading the project on Innovation and Intellectual Property in the Digital Age, with research and activities focused on the legal, economic and policy challenges of the 5G and the Internet of Things. The event's website contains information about the registration and programme.
Competition Law Association - Jurisdiction in disputes after Brexit - 22 September 2022 - London, UK
On 22 September 2022 at 6:00pm (BST), the Competition Law Association will hold an event to discuss jurisdiction aspects after Brexit. The event will cover the impact of Brexit on the English courts' jurisdiction in respect of competition and IP disputes. Topics to be addressed include a comparison of domestic law jurisdictional gateways relative to those available under the Brussels/Lugano regime; the relevance of forum conveniens analysis in competition and IP disputes; and the resurgence of anti-suit injunctions. Further information about the event and registration is available here.
George Mason University - Annual Fall Conference - 22 and 23 September 2022 - Arlington, USA
George Mason University's Center for Intellectual Property x Innovation Policy will host its Annual Fall Conference to bring together leading researchers, policymakers, creators, and innovators to share their experiences and results regarding limitations on intellectual property rights. More information about the conference and registration can be found here.
WIPO - Associate Legal Officer - Geneva, Switzerland
A position as Associate Legal Officer at WIPO is currently being advertised. The main role of the incumbent is to provide assistance to Member States in drafting and updating their national legislation and adhering to and implementing the WIPO copyright and related rights treaties, and to conduct legal research and draft legal documents related to legislative assistance and treaty adherence and implementation. Applications are open until 16 September 2022. Further information about the position is available here.
Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition - Call for Papers for the 5th Research on Innovation, Science and Entrepreneurship Workshop (RISE 5)
The RISE5 workshop focuses on research in the areas Science of Science, Knowledge Diffusion, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation Motives and Behavior, Artificial Intelligence. It will feature approximately 10 paper presentations. Each paper will be discussed by a senior researcher with particular emphasis on the research design and the ability to identify a causal relationship. The workshop venue will be the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition in Munich. Submission of full papers or extended abstracts (of at least three pages) from Ph.D. students and Junior Post-docs working in the fields of Economics or Management are accepted and shall be sent as a PDF file until Thursday, 15 September 2022. More information is available here.
EIPTN 14th Worldwide Annual Conference - Call for abstracts
This Call for Abstracts focuses on: (i) recent publications by IP academics, either on pedagogic methods or, on substantive IP issues that effectively contribute to enhancing quality and/or new channels in IP Teaching; (ii) how to best perform online/distant/remote teaching and exams; (iii) promoting ethics/ bioethics versus classical IP rules in IP teaching and connected research, and promoting /discussing open innovation and open IP in general in IP teaching and connected research; (iv) university and community spirit in distance activities: the image of the teacher versus the image of his institution in an online world; and (v) distance summer programs. The working language of the Annual Conference is English. If you would like to participate in the EIPTN 14th Anniversary Conference 2022 by giving a short presentation on one of the above items, please send the title of your proposed presentation and a 500-word abstract to The deadline for sending abstracts is 7 September 2022. The EIPTN Committee will then select abstracts based on their innovative character and potential contribution to the teaching of IP. More information is available on their website.
Sunday Surprises
Reviewed by Alexandre Miura
Sunday, September 04, 2022

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