Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week!

May has just began and with it a new month of posts are incoming, but here’s what you missed from the IPKat last week!

Image by Alice Castro via Pexels

Marcel Pemsel commented on the question how to prove disclosure on earlier designs, by considering that the most common way to establish disclosure is online evidence. Nonetheless, it was deemed to be challenging to establish this aspect. This is considered in relation to the German Patent Court’s approach and the one used by the General Court.

Eleonora Rosati reported the words of Katfriend Henning Hartwig, who considered the EU Commission’s proposal to codify visual disclaimers in EU design law. 

Trade marks

Eleonora Rosati considered the question whether EU law governs joint ownership of IP rights, including the exercise thereof by each and individual joint owner. The analysis revolved around the case Legea C-686/21.

Marcel Pemsel considered the recent judgement in case T-491/22 in relation to an EU trade mark application made by angaming company. 

Geographical Indications

Anastasiia Kyrylenko commented on the negotiations taking place between the European Union and India in relation to the conclusion of a Free Trade Agreement, an Investment Protection Agreement and an Agreement on Geographical Indications. In the post, the focus is dedicated to the analysis of the GI protection agreement.


Chijioke Okorie reported on the results of the Creative Vibrancy Index for Africa, which ranks African cities based on their support for arts, culture and creative industries.
Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week! Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week! Reviewed by Chiara Gallo on Wednesday, May 03, 2023 Rating: 5

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