In case you were too busy drinking pumpkin spice lattes recently, here is a summary of what you might have missed from the IPKat last week.
Eleonora Rosati announced two events focusing on the impact of the copyright case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union: (i) on post-Brexit UK (9 November, London & online) and (ii) on national copyright systems (6 November, Stockholm & online).
Trade marks
Nedim Malovic reviewed the recent EUIPO decision rejecting a trade mark application concerning a figurative mark depicting Dutch model Puck Schrover. The Examination Division considered that the applicant failed to demonstrate the mark had a distinctive character and/or acquired distinctiveness through its use.
Marcel Pemsel discussed the most significant changes to the Madrid System that will enter into force on 1 November 2023.
Eleonora Rosati reported on the second edition of the Trade Secret IP Protection & Management conference, which will take place in Brussels on 14-15 November, bringing together experts from across the globe to address the most immediate industry challenges facing trade secrets.
Rose Hughes:
- considered whether the use of large language models (LLMs) for patent work might potentially be a risk to patent quality, compared to that produced by an attorney;
Never Too Late: If you missed the IPKat last week!
Reviewed by Aleksandra Czubek
Thursday, October 12, 2023

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