If your agenda still holds some free slots for events, opportunities and conferences, the IPKat is here to help you select the best IP-related ones.
Book launch: Copyright and the CJEU
UCL’s Institute of Brand and Innovation Law (‘IBIL’) will host the launch of the new edition of PermaKat Eleonora Rosati’s book ‘Copyright and Court of Justice of the European Union’ published by Oxford University Press. The book is an attempt to find a fil rouge, some sort of rationale, underlying the CJEU’s action in the area of copyright. The goal is to provide readers with a sense of direction of EU copyright case law. In order to achieve this, an exercise of ‘tidying up’ and rationalizing the rulings issued so far is carried out. The launch will be chaired by The Rt. Hon. Professor Sir Robin Jacob and involve a panel discussion of certain of the book’s themes. More information about the book and the launch can be found here.
Conferences, events & call for papers
Design reform
The 2023 UNION IP Autumn Round Table will be held on November 10 2023 in Amsterdam. The agenda includes a discussion of the long awaited revision of the Community Design Regulation and Directive and the possible implications of the revised legislation as it now stands. The event is open to everyone, and it is possible to participate in person or remotely. The full program and registration information can be found here.
IBIL is organizing its annual seminar (in person and on-line) titled „EPO and UPC: Friends or Foes“ on November 29 2023 in London. The panel will consider, among other, the following questions: what are the similarities and differences between EPO opposition proceedings and UPC central revocation actions? And what are the pros and cons of each? To what extent, for example, will the UPC take notice of EPO Board of Appeal decisions and adopt EPO practices, such as the ‘problem/solution’ approach to inventive step? More information and registration details can be found here.
Conferences and calls for papers
- Business of IP Asia forum seeks to bring together IP professionals and business leaders from around the world to discuss the latest development in the IP world, and to explore business collaboration opportunities. It will be held on December 7-8 2023 in Hong Kong. More information, the programme and registration details can be found here.
- Internet Policy & Politics Conference will be held on January 27 2024, at the University of Oxford. The organisers seek proposals in areas where the internet already impacts public policy, where it raises new challenges or dilemmas, or provides new opportunities for policy. They welcome perspectives from any academic discipline that addresses issues in all sectors and at all levels of society and government. Proposals on Artificial Intelligence are of particular interest. The deadline for proposal submissions is December 16, 2023. The conference will be held both in-person and online for free. More information, programs from previous years and proposal submission details can be found here.
- IBIL invites applications from PhD students engaged in intellectual property research to present a 'work in progress' paper at its PhD conference on June 26 2024. There will be a prize for the best conference paper, and those who have presented will also have the opportunity to submit their paper to UCL Laws' open access, peer-reviewed journal, the UCL Journal of Law and Jurisprudence. Applications from those interested in presenting a research paper at the conference must be submitted no later than 5pm (GMT) on 5 January 2024. More information and submission details can be found here.
ATRIP essay competition
The International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property‘s (ATRIP) Executive Committee has launched its annual essay competition for young researchers in intellectual property law. The competition is sponsored by FICPI, the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys. Papers, pertaining to any topic related to intellectual property law, may be submitted in French or English. Entries should be submitted no later than by February 15, 2024. More information and submission details can be found here.
Tuesday Wonders
Reviewed by Aleksandra Czubek
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

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