Katcall Reminder

The deadline for submissions to the openings for GuestKats and InternKat positions (as announced here) is approaching.

Apply now!
Those interested must submit their complete applications no later than Friday, 14 June (midnight GMT).

Complete applications must contain CV details, interest in IPKat, and a 400-word writing sample (or a link to an existing piece in the case of a GuestKat application). Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Please keep in mind that you need to have your employer’s permission to be part of the IPKat team.

GuestKats and InternKat will start in July 2024. Previous applicants are encouraged to reapply.

Apply here for a GuestKat and here for an InternKat position.

The image is courtesy of Riana Harvey.

Katcall Reminder Katcall Reminder Reviewed by Merpel McKitten on Monday, June 10, 2024 Rating: 5

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