Life Sciences Patent Network (LSPN) returns to San Francisco with 15% discount for IPKat readers

The Katfriends at Newton Media wish to inform that the well-reputed and -attended Life Sciences Patent Network (LSPN) North America Fall 2024 conference is returning to San Francisco (CA, USA) on 15 and 16 October 2024.

As explained by the organizers, LSPN Fall is the premier life sciences-focussed patent event on the West Coast. For 5 years, the conference has been been bringing together leading pharmaceutical and biotech professionals for 2 days of cutting edge content.

As in the previous editions, expert speakers will dive deep into the most pressing challenges and opportunities shaping the future of life sciences. This year's speaker line up includes representatives from Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Bristol Myers Squibb, Illumina, 10x Genomics, BioMarin and many more. With over 60+ key industry speakers, and 150+ delegates, the conference organizers always ensure that at least 50% of the audience is in-house, offering the best opportunity to connect with peers.

This year’s agenda features the following topics:
  • Aligning innovation, regulation and IP protection
  • International harmonization and global patent and enforcement strategies
  • Lessons from the frontline of the UPC
  • Navigating enablement and written description requirements in the USPTO
  • AI and machine learning in drug discovery: patenting AI-generated inventions
  • The evolving role of IP lawyers within life sciences
The organizers have also kindly offered a 15% discount to IPKat readers. To learn more about the conference, register, and claim your discount, just click here and use promo code KAT15.
Life Sciences Patent Network (LSPN) returns to San Francisco with 15% discount for IPKat readers Life Sciences Patent Network (LSPN) returns to San Francisco with 15% discount for IPKat readers Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 Rating: 5

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