Saturday Sundries

Enjoying the seasonal foliage

Another week has come to an end and, as usual, it is time to catch up with opportunities and events in the IP world, as well as some news regarding the IPKat Team.

IPKat Team

GuestKat Nedim Malovic is taking a break from blogging. We thank him for all his contributions to the blog over the years and we look forward to welcoming him back in due course.


As always, please do not forget to check our Events page, which is continuously updated. Those below are some new events to add to your agenda.

Sustainability & IP Management (24 October)

On 24 October, OxFirst is running a webinar focusing on sustainability in the pharmaceutical sector. To learn more and to register, click here.

EUIPO Boards of Appeal - IP Tertulia (6 November)

On 6 November (16:00-20:00 CET), the EUIPO Boards of Appeal will run an IP Tertulia - both in Alicante and online - covering inter alia recent decisions of the EUIPO Boards of Appeal. For further information and to register, click here.

Shades of Luxury at the Time of AI: Quiet, Sustainable and Pioneering

On 7 and 8 November, MARQUES is running its annual Luxury Brands Symposium in Vienna. For further information, click here.

Union-IP Roundtable: Protecting Functional Designs and Works of Art (8 November)

On 8 November, Union-IP is organizing a roundtable in Amsterdam on the protection of functional designs and works of art. For further information and to register, click here.


WIPO’s Inaugural Moot Court Competition 2024-25

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is pleased to invite universities from around the world to participate in its inaugural – All Roads Lead to Geneva – Moot Court Competition. This opportunity allows law students to engage with novel issues arising from the intersection of copyright law, cultural heritage, NFTs, and Generative AI in a simulated court setting. For further information, click here.

WIPO: IP Finance in the Music Industry

WIPO is inviting applications for a new research assignment on ‘IP Finance in the Music Industry’. WIPO  seeks to engage an expert consultant to conduct a study that will explore and assess the state of IP finance in the music industry, focusing on recent trends, the role of institutional investors, innovative financial structures, and the impact on smaller artists and ventures. For further information, click here.

SCL AI Group Junior Lawyer Article Competition 2024

The Society for Computers & Law has launched ita first article competition. Open to trainees and other junior lawyers (including students), the competition is looking to acknowledge those who have authored an article on a topic concerning the intersection of AI and law. For more details, see here.

7th IPIRA Conference - Call for Papers

The IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Network is pleased to announce the 7th IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia (IPIRA) Conference, which will be hosted in-person on 4-6 April 2025 at Waseda University, Faculty of Law in Tokyo, Japan. As every year, IPIRA is running a call for papers aimed at academic researchers, including PhD candidates, who are interested in presenting at the conference. For further information, click here.
Saturday Sundries Saturday Sundries Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati on Saturday, October 19, 2024 Rating: 5

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