Sunday Surprises

If you are looking for some last-minute Christmas gifts, we have some ideas for you:

Call for papers

The Indian Journal of Intellectual Property Law, a student-run journal of NALSAR University of Law in Hyderabad, calls for papers for its 15th volume. The submission deadline is 31 March 2025. For further information please click here.


Assistant Professor in Intellectual Property Law at Maastricht University

Have you ever wondered what it is like to be an Assistant Professor in Intellectual Property Law at Maastricht University? Well, you are in luck. Check out the job description, requirements and further details here. The application deadline is 2 March 2025.

WIPO Fellowship

Interested in becoming a fellow of WIPO and contributing to the implementation of the Development Agenda Project on Copyright and the Distribution of Content in the Digital Environment – Phase II? Then hurry to meet the application deadline of 20 January 2025. Further information is available here.


If you have some free time over Christmas, why not submit scholarly work in the 2024 Prof. Irena Wiszniewska-Białecka Prize? The deadline to make a submission in the field of competition, trademark or antitrust law ends on 31 December 2024. The best work will be awarded a prize of USD 20,000. Further information is available here.

Your expertise is needed

Christmas is the time of giving, so please give your expertise to help out in a research project of a PhD student from Melbourne Law School. His project is investigating how the patent claim scope varies across jurisdictions and over time, using AI-based approaches to develop new metrics. Your expertise would be invaluable and best applied here.


17/18 February 2025: Privacy and Data: Law and Practice

The Institute of Brand and Innovation Law of University College London offers a two-day course with a cross-disciplinary approach to privacy, data protection and data security. You can find the programme and further details here.

Webinars of assimilateip

The winter and spring webinars of assimilateip can be booked now here. IPKat readers get a 10% discount simply by mentioning ‘IPKat’ in the registration form.

The picture is by Jessica Lewis and used under the licensing terms of
Sunday Surprises Sunday Surprises Reviewed by Marcel Pemsel on Sunday, December 22, 2024 Rating: 5

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