Monday Miscellany

Another working week is kicking off and, as usual, it's time to catch up with the latest news and opportunities from the IP world.


ALAI 2025 Congress (Opatija, Croatia, 9-11 October 2025)

The Association Litteraire et Artistique Internationale (ALAI) has announced that its next Annual Congress will be taking place in Opatija, Croatia, between 9-11 October 2025. It will be co-organised by the Croatian and Hungarian national groups, and will be dedicated to the ownership and transfer of copyright and related rights. For further details and to register, click here (available soon).


Liverpool Law School: Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law

The Liverpool Law School is seeking to appoint a Lecturer in IP law, and would welcome applications by candidates with interests and expertise in any area of IP law broadly defined, including trademarks, copyright and patents and the evolution of IP Law in the digital age. The successful candidate will contribute to the School’s undergraduate teaching and to the expansion of their LLM portfolio, as required, and will be expected to supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students. Candidates should have (or be about to obtain) a PhD in Law. For further details, click here.

Calls for Evidence

Evaluation of the EU Plant Variety Regulation

The European Commission (DG SANTE) has begun an evaluation of Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 on Community plant variety rights, which created the regime for granting Community plant variety rights (CPVR). The call for evidence is currently open for feedback until 14 March 2025 (midnight Brussels time). After this initial feedback period, a public consultation period is planned for later in 2025. The findings of the evaluation will inform the decision on whether the legislation needs to be amended. See details and the portal for feedback here

UK Consultation on AI and Copyright 

A quick reminder that the deadline for responses to the UK's consultation on AI and Copyright is midnight tomorrow, 25 February 2025. To submit a response click here

Monday Miscellany Monday Miscellany Reviewed by Alessandro Cerri on Monday, February 24, 2025 Rating: 5

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