The IPKat (left) is unimpressed by the lack of translation
The case concerns a clash between YUKI and YUPI in Classes 3 and 5. Plugging the operative part into Babel Fish gives the following:
(1) the decision of the first appeal court of the Office of the harmonization in the domestic market (marks, drawings and models) (OHMI) of April 23, 2004 (joined businesses R 547/2003-1 and R 604/2003-1) is cancelled in what it did right to the recourse of the speaker with regard to the "soaps; products of perfumery, oils essential, cosmetic, lotions for the hair; toothpastes ", concerned with class 3, and the" hygienic products ", concerned with class 5, aimed by the Community request for mark.
(2) the OHMI will support its own costs as well as half of the costs
exposed by Jabones Pardo, SA.
(3) Quimi Romar, SL will support its own costs.
All enlightenment from linguistically adept readers will be welcome.
Reviewed by Anonymous
Thursday, November 16, 2006
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