Right: hopeful MARQUES conference participants form an orderly line for spare tickets for the big match.
The main excitement at the moment is the impending European football championship match between local team Porto and English contenders Liverpool. A ten-strong delegation from MARQUES will be attending this match, no doubt with a view to gaining first-hand experience of the trade mark licensing, kit sponsorship and other IP issues.

Left: secretly the IPKat awaits his late call-up into the Liverpool squad
While the scheme's final details are not yet known and the registration form for approved non-member users has yet to be drafted or put on to the MARQUES website, the IPKat is pleased to keep a record of anyone who is interested and wants to be informed when eventually the scheme is up and running. At present the database, which contains around one and a half thousand European decisions (national and pan-European), is growing at the rate of around15 cases a month. To express your interest, email the IPKat here.
MARQUES in Porto I
Reviewed by Jeremy
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

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