"If we don't challenge it as of today, we leave the door open to permanent, and invisible and illegal, checks of personal data".Under the June ruling Scarlet has six months to install the necessary software filters.

The IPKat will be watching the outcome carefully. This is one of those cases that you hope won't settle, so we can see the side of the Great Divide in favour of which the court decides. Merpel says, this issue has been recognised as a problem for years; we've had an EU Directive on copyright in the information society, a second Directive on the liability of service providers and a third Directive on the enforcement of IP rights - yet somehow there doesn't seem to be any clear consensus as to the outcome, with the result that litigation breaks out all over the place at national level. Wouldn't this have been a great subject for clear, harmonised guidance from the start?
Scarlet Pimpernel here
Scarlet O'Hara (not a typo) here
Scarlet Letter here
A Study in Scarlet here
Little Scarlet here (strongly recommended)
Scarlet appeals against software filter order
Reviewed by Jeremy
Friday, September 07, 2007

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