The September/October issue of the World Trademark Review, published bimonthly by Globe Business Publishing, leads with a cover story by staff writer Liz Rutherford-Johnson on the management of the Gallo winery intellectual assets. Other features include a critical analysis by the IPKat's friend Ethan Horwitz and Ethan's colleague at King & Spalding Jill Wasserman on the US trade mark dilution litigation over BUKHARA (ITC v Punchgini). This Second Circuit case is under appeal. Ethan and Jill - who acted for ITC - think it's wrongly decided and that, if it's right, the US is in breach of its international obligations in respect of the protection of famous marks. This blogger, who thinks the decision is right, awaits the appeal with interest. Kenyon & Kenyon, who acted on the other side, unsurprisingly think so too.
Details of the latest issue here

Details of this issue here

* users of registration systems are entitled to expect those systems to be efficient and cost-effective;
* there is no justification for governments raking off trade mark and other IP fees to subsidise non-IP activities, while national offices are under-resourced and need funds to maintain and improve their services to users;
* creaming off surplus fee income from running the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market is not a solution to the general funding issues - especially since OHIM fees should be set by reference to its budgetary needs, not the need to make up the shortfall of investment in national offices.
The IPKat hopes that a future issue of MIP will carry an interview with some important person who is prepared to disagree with her publicly, since he hasn't yet seen a reasoned response to anything Tove has said and his little cat-sized brain can't fathom out why her views are supposed to be so heretical.
Details of this issue here

Above right: how about a companion journal for Trademark World, Patent World and Copyright World, but this time focusing on the needs and interests of infringers themselves? Would Patricia Loughlan (see below) approve?
Also in this issue is a highly provocative and well argued piece by Patricia Loughlan (University of Sydney) on the impropriety of the use of the word "theft" to describe acts of intellectual property infringement.
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Reviewed by Jeremy
Friday, September 28, 2007

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