Right: once upon a time, voting was by show of hands -- but now it's all done online.
Both polls close today, so this is your last chance to vote. The results are promised early next month (i.e. soon).
This is the IPKat's first time in the poll and, even though it's not strictly speaking a patent blog but a general IP blog, in the race to head the Top Fifty it's currently in third position (well behind Patently-O, not far behind Patent Circle and just ahead of European Patent Case Law). In the second poll, for most-read status, the Kat is currently second (again well behind Patently-O but with its whiskers ahead of IP watchdog, Patent Circle and Patent Baristas).
If you'd like to vote, or are just curious to read the list of leading patent law blogs, you can visit the polling site here.
Top Patent Blogs 2009: last chance to vote!
Reviewed by Jeremy
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

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