Construction was also an issue last week in the Eastern District of Texas, but instead of vegetables (unsuprisingly) it was US Patent No 5,787,449 (the "'449 patent") that was being construed before District Judge Davis in a case brought by i4i Limited against Microsoft. The case focused on a type of structural information called "metacodes”, specifically Extensible Markup Language ("XML") used in electronic documents. The '449 patent covered a method whereby the software can process and store custom XML separately and distinctly from user-imputed content. The separation of the XML is called a "metacode map" which, according to the patent, allows a computer to manipulate the structure of a document without reference to the content entered by the user. On 8 March 2007 i4i, a small Canadian company, filed an action alleging that Microsoft willfully infringed the '449 patent in some of Microsoft's WORD 2003 products and all of WORD 2007. Microsoft countered that its WORD products did not infringe the patent and counterclaimed for invalidity of the '449 patent. After a seven day jury trial in May, the jury returned a verdict finding the patent valid and infringed and awarding i4i $200,000,000 in damages.
The judgment of US District Judge Davis of 11 August 2009 dealt with several motions brought by Microsoft and i4i; Microsoft brought motions for a new trial or motion for judgment as a matter of law regarding willful infringement, indirect infringement, non-infringement, remittitur regarding damages, invalidity of '449 and a motion to stay the injunctive relief. i4i motioned for enhanced damages and attorneys' fees, a permanent injunction and post-verdict damages.

The AmeriKat was more interested in the motions relating to willfulness and remittitur regarding damages. To succeed in a charge of willful infringement, i4i must show that Microsoft acted with objective recklessness in that they knew or should have known that there was a high likelihood that their actions infringed a valid patent (In re Seagate Tech, LLC (2007)). In reliance of Black & Decker, Inc. v Robert Bosch Tool Corp (2008) Microsoft argued that the objective prong of the willfulness analysis is satisfied only if a defendant fails to present valid defences during the proceedings. Since Microsoft asserted defences at trial, the claim for willful infringement should be barred. However, this issue was not before the court in Black & Decker and, in any event, Black & Decker was distinguished because there the jury found that several of the claims asserted were in fact invalid. This wasn't the case here, where the size of the jury's verdict and the failure of Microsoft's invalidity arguments indicated that Microsoft's defences were so weak as to be rejected "wholesale" and therefore should not be sufficient to act as a bar to a finding of willful infringement.

facts or data that are otherwise inadmissible shall not be disclosed to the jury by the proponent ... unless the court determines that their probative value in assisting the jury to evaluate the expert's opinion substantially outweighs their prejudicial effect".In arguing their motion, Microsoft unfortunately relied on Schering Corp v Pfizer (1999) where, although the Court had excluded five surveys from evidence under the hearsay rule, the Court did not discuss Rule 703 save to say, damagingly for Microsoft, that it was an acceptable basis to admit survey evidence. Given that Microsoft did not present any relevant authority for their motion or evidence that supported their argument that the survey methods were unreasonable or unreliable and that none of these arguments were made by Microsoft at the time the survey and testimony were introduced, the Court denied Microsoft's motions on the issue of damages. Consequently, since the issue of damages was denied, so was Microsoft’s request for remittitur.
Things went from bad to worse when i4i's motion for enhanced damages was granted in part. Under 35 U.S.C. 284 a court has discretion to enhance damages by up to a factor of three when there is a finding of willful infringement. Problematic for Microsoft in this determination was the introduction by i4i of an internal Microsoft email from January 2003 which referred to the '449 patent and that this and i4i's technology would be made "obsolete" by the disputed WORD product containing the infringing XML functionality. This email showed that Microsoft knew of i4i's patent but conducted no investigation that could have later formed a good-faith belief of non-infringement. The final nail in the coffin for Microsoft in respect of this motion was the Court's view of the litigation conduct of Microsoft's trial counsel's who, despite the Court's warnings, "persisted in improperly trying to equate i4i's infringement case with the current national banking crisis implying that i4i was a banker seeking a "bailout" in order to appeal to "the jurors' perceived prejudices" by misstating the law. The AmeriKat's favourite portion of the proceedings was when Judge Davis asked counsel to approach the bench warning Microsoft's counsel:
"I don't want to embarrass you in front of the jury, but I would appreciate it if you would clean that up...".The Court therefore enhanced damages against Microsoft by an additional $40,000,000 to the jury award making a total of $240,000,000 to be paid to i4i.
i4i's motion for a permanent injunction prohibiting the selling of any Microsoft Word 2003 and 2007 products was granted after applying the four factor test provided in eBay Inc v MercExchange (2006), i.e. that a party is entitled to a permanent injunction only if
"(1) the party has suffered an irreparable injury; (2) that remedies at law, such as monetary damages, are inadequate to compensate for that injury; (3) that considering the balance of hardships between the parties a remedy in equity is warranted and (4) that the public interest would not be disserved by a permanent injunction".The Court was satisfied that i4i's injury was overwhelmingly irreparable by Microsoft's continued infringement, that the "continuing loss of market share, customer goodwill and brand recognition within the market are the type of losses that monetary damages are insufficient to cure", that given Microsoft's dominance in the market the balance of hardships favored i4i, and that "the proposed injunction would have little effect, if any, on the daily operations of Microsoft's current customers". The Court then denied Microsoft's motion to stay the injunction and ordered Microsoft to comply with the injunction within 60 days of the date of the Order.
The judgment shows Microsoft fairing pretty poorly, but Microsoft has faced worse legal battles and managed to come out generally unscathed. Despite the judgment, Microsoft's shares were up more than 2% on 13 August following the announcement that Microsoft's next version of Office 2010 will be released without charge with Nokia phones. In a statement issued last week Microsoft stated that they will appeal this case and implied that they will primarily argue that the '449 patent is invalid. The AmeriKat expects an emergency application to stay the injunction pending the appellate case. The AmeriKat wonders if any readers can hypothesize on the impact that a Court of Appeals judgment against Microsoft will have on OpenDocument Format and other public-domain formatting which uses XML.
Last August, Jackson Browne sued Senator McCain, the Ohio Republican Party and the Republican National Committee for copyright infringement, false endorsement and violating his common law right of publicity after his song "Running on Empty" was used without permission in McCain's presidential campaign. The AmeriKat also personally considers the use of songs by political parties to be almost libelous for a musician in some circumstances. Browne's song was used in television and online commercials criticizing President Obama's policy on energy. Following the denial by U.S. District Judge Klausner of the defendants’ motion to dismiss on the grounds of fair use and political speech exemptions, the parties settled with an order to dismiss the case filed on 4 August 2009. The Republican Party has now issued a pledge "to respect and uphold the rights of artists and to obtain permissions and/or licenses for copyrighted works where appropriate."
And you thought English libel awards were high …

> The AmeriKat wonders if any readers
ReplyDelete> can hypothesize on the impact that a
> Court of Appeals judgment against
> Microsoft will have on OpenDocument
> Format
Yes, none at all.
"The issue is Custom XML, which is a Microsoft thing. Here's a page
that may be disappearing any time now, Doug Mahugh teaching
how to use Custom XML and how it's the best thing since white bread. The ODF folks tried to explain that it wasn't a good idea, although for different reasons. ODF uses extensible metadata instead, last I looked."
I don't see how this patent could ever have been granted. It seems to teach a way of keeping markup in a separate file with pointers into the actual content.
ReplyDeleteHow it this remotely original to anyone with a brain? Isn't this how subtitling is done?