Curiously, although the IPKat received many entries, very few of them commended themselves to him as showing the sort of profound insight that we expect from Lord Justice Jacob -- whose name, by sheer coincidence, appeared in quite a few of them.
Chris Atkinson, annoyed at missing out on last year's haiku competition, gave us this: ""I love IP dispute resolution because ...
Everyone's a winner, baby,that's no lie!...
Edmund Irvine disagrees".
But that's no haiku either, according to the classical rules for their composition [For the benefit of anyone wondering who Edmund Irvine is, it's Eddie Irvine, motor racing driver and ultimately successful litigant].
Pete Sadler (patent attorney, Reddie & Grose) suggests this: "
And now for the winning entry:
Robert Carolina (Origin) was obviously speaking from the heart when he offered this: "I love IP dispute resolution because ... it so often produces irrational, counterproductive, emotion-driven, business decisions", citing in support, though not as part of his 10 word allocation, "the ruinously expensive and (in my opinion) irrational behaviour of RIM management in the famous US case of NTP v RIM".
Okay, Robert. Now you can go to the conference and see what the experts say about converting irrational client behaviour into handsome profits ...
"I love IP Dispute Resolution because ..."
Reviewed by Jeremy
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

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