This Kat has been holed up in his lair over the last week or so, feverishly trying to ready himself for a short of change of pace and venue: he will be serving as a Visiting Professor at the Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management
here, part of the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai, for the next month.
Neil reports that it will be his pleasure to take part in various seminars and workshops at the crossroads of management and intellectual property and he looks forward to learning much from the students and faculty at this distinguished institution.
Each of this Kat's adventurous offspring had long ago traversed broad swathes of the Indian subcontinent, but he only ventured first after grandparenthood had set in. The electricity and energy of the place immediately captured him and he is delighted to return. He expects that some of his forthcoming blog posts will reflect on his experiences there.

During his stay, Neil will take part in the multiple-day 1st International Conference on Management of Intellectual Property and Strategy"(February 2-5, 2012),
here and he promises to report on highlights of this event. He also wishes to thank Professor Karuna Jain, the head of the Shalish J. Mehta School of Management, for arranging this appointment. Neil is pleased to inform Indian-based readers of the IPKat that he would be delighted to meet them in Mumbai, should they find themselves in the vicinity over the coming month. The scenic view from Lake Powai, a minute from Neil's campus lodgings, will await them.
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